可以通过与SciPy库中内置的erf函数进行比较。下面是测试代码: fromscipy.specialimporterfasscipy_erf# 导入SciPy库中的erf函数# 测试输入值test_values=[0,0.5,1,1.5,2]forxintest_values:print(f"自定义erf({x}) ={erf(x)}")# 打印自定义函数的输出print(f"SciPy erf({x}) ={scipy_erf(x)}")# 打...
erf即误差函数(error function),或者称之为Gauss error function。...python实现的正态分布函数为: def normal_cdf(x, mu=0, sigma=1): return (1 + math.erf((x - mu) / math.sqrt(2) 1.9K40 Python入门教程(三):史上最全的Numpy计算函数总结,建议收藏!
误差函数erf erf的定义 函数erf(x)在数学中为误差函数(也称之为高斯误差函数,error function or Gauss error function),是一个非基本函数(即不是初等函数),其在概率论、统计学以及偏微分方程和半导体物理中都有广泛的应用。 erf的一个应用 erf被用于归一化离群值得分, ... 归一化 偏微分方程 其他 二值图像...
#Print the error function of a number print(math.erf(0.67)) print(math.erf(1.34)) print(math.erf(-6)) 运行一下 定义与用法 math.erf()方法返回数字的误差函数。 此方法接受介于 -inf 和 +inf 之间的值,并返回介于 -1 和 +1 之间的值。
erf(x, /) Error function at x. erfc(x, /) Complementary error function at x. exp(x, /) Return e raised to the power of x. expm1(x, /) Return exp(x)-1. This function avoids the loss of precision involved in the direct evaluation of exp(x)-1 for small x. ...
function erf($x) $pi = 3.1415927; $x2 = $x * $x; $a * $x2; $denom = 1 + $ax2; $erf2 = 1 - exp($inner); } functi 浏览1提问于2013-12-26得票数 1 1回答 生成随机倒置高斯分布 random、probability、gaussian 我正在尝试生成一个随机分布,它遵循倒置的高斯分布,移动了uo,因此它仍然...
# Error function (integral of Gaussian) # its complement, and its inverse x = np.array([0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0]) print("erf(x) =", special.erf(x)) print("erfc(x) =", special.erfc(x)) print("erfinv(x) =", special.erfinv(x)) ...
Example Calculate the mathematical error function of the same number, positive and negative: print (math.erf(1.28)) print (math.erf(-1.28)) Try it Yourself » ❮ Math MethodsW3schools Pathfinder Track your progress - it's free! Log in Sign Up ...
开发者ID:abhishek070193,项目名称:sympy,代码行数:7,代码来源:test_error_functions.py 示例4: test_to_expr ▲点赞 1▼ deftest_to_expr():x = symbols('x') R, Dx = DifferentialOperators(ZZ.old_poly_ring(x),'Dx') p = HolonomicFunction(Dx -1, x,0,1).to_expr() ...
pyerf.erfc(0.5) # 0.4795001... or only a specific function: from pyerf import erfinv as inverse_error_function inverse_error_function(0.5) # 0.476936... and lastly, you can even use import * (but that's no longer considered very Pythonic as it pollutes the namespace): from pyerf imp...