perf: Don't convert logprobs arrays to lists by @kddubey in #1021 docs: Fix functionary demo typo by @evelynmitchell in #996 examples: Update to match current API by @jsoma in #1023[0.2.23]Update...
1. open函数语法参考 open 函数语法如下:open(file, mode='r', encoding='None', errors='None')...
It seems to work on the mac that generates the app, but the dist doesn't work on any other mac machine. $ myscript [60786] Error loading Python lib'/var/folders/yq/1y1vcbld4sz5t00d3qctmsc80000gn/T/_MEIncCe0Z/Python': dlopen: dlopen(/var/folders/yq/1y1vcbld4sz5t00d3qctmsc80000...
Don’t forget to add requests to requirements.txt too, or the next deploy won’t work… Then let’s see how the tests get on! $ python3 test accounts [...] AssertionError: Expected 'post' to be called once. Called 0 times. And we can get that to passing in three step...
You’ve made a commit that you don’t want, and it hasn’t been pushed to remote. Start by creating that commit so you know what you’re looking at: Shell $ ls >> file_i_do_not_want $ git add file_i_do_not_want $ git commit -m "bad commit" [master baebe14] bad commit...
And at this point, the view test is failing because we don’t have the model layer yet: self.assertEqual(list_.owner, request.user) AttributeError: 'List' object has no attribute 'owner' Note You won’t see this error unless you actually check out the old code and revert lists/models...
do_not="don't" y='those who know %s and those who %s.'%(binary,do_not) print(x) print(y) print('I saied: %r.' % x) print("I also said: '%s'."% y) hilarious = False joke_evaluation="Isn't that joke so funny?! %r" ...
该issue 记录 rpmtracker 抓取数据,每日判断是否有满足条件的 commit,若有则追加到评论。开发者首先判断是否有需要合入的 commit,若有则评论 /pick 命令,流水线...
121 Don't be too hard on yourself 00:46 122 Describe the Problem 04:52 123 Reproduce the Bug 03:35 124 Play Computer and Evaluate Each Line 03:52 125 Fixing Errors and Watching for Red Underlines 03:31 126 Squash bugs with a print() Statement ...