pattern = re.compile(r'\bpython\b', re.IGNORECASE) text = "Python is a popular programming ...
pattern - A web mining module. polyglot - Natural language pipeline supporting hundreds of languages. pytext - A natural language modeling framework based on PyTorch. PyTorch-NLP - A toolkit enabling rapid deep learning NLP prototyping for research. spacy - A library for industrial-strength natural...
graphics Add butterfly pattern implementation (#12493) Jan 15, 2025 graphs - Implemented find_lanczos_eigenvectors to approximate the largest … Dec 31, 2024 greedy_methods Fix sphinx/build_docs warnings for greedy_methods (#12463) Dec 23, 2024 hashes [] pre-commit autoupdate (...
code = ["0","1"]returncodeelse:code = [] code_pre = GrayCode.__createGrayCode(n -1)foridxinrange(len(code_pre)): code.append("0"+ code_pre[idx])foridxinrange(len(code_pre) -1, -1, -1): code.append("1"+ code_pre[idx])returncodeif__name__ =='__main__': n =8g...
Code snippet {...} The particular highlighting colors are defined in the Editor | Color Scheme page of the Settings dialog. With new Python versions, PyCharm supports more specific types and language structures,for example, Python 3.10 specific pattern matching: Code snippet {...} ...
importre# 匹配方括号中任意一个字符pattern ="[abc]"text ="a"result = re.match(pattern, text)print(result)# <re.Match object; span=(0, 1), match='a'># 匹配小写字母 a 到 z 中的任意一个pattern ="[a-z]"text ="a"result = re.match(pattern, text)print(result)# <re.Match object...
输出时不能使用print(pattern.encode(‘utf-8’), group.encode(‘utf-8’)),而应该分开print,否则还是乱码但是不报错。 标准输出的定义如下: sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(“utf-8”)(sys.stdout.detach()) 查看输出编码: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0...
_xsrf=re.findall(pattern,html)return_xsrf[0]# 获取验证码 defget_captcha():t=str(int(time.time()*1000))captcha_url=''+t+"&type=login"r=session.get(captcha_url,headers=headers)withopen('captcha.jpg','wb')asf:f.write(r.content)f.close()# 用...
for key in files_list.keys(): for filename in files_list.get(key): space_temp = space_temp + get_file_size(os.path.join(key, filename)) all_files_space.update({key:space_temp}) space_temp = 0 return all_files_space def clean_cc_tmp_file(files_list): pattern = r".*\.cc....
ops from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.parse import urlunparse from time import sleep # error code OK = 0 ERR = 1 slog = ops.ops() g_sys_info = {'mac':'', 'esn':''} g_ip_addr = None # File server in which stores the necessary system software, configuration and ...