3.群助手功能(例如:查询垃圾分类、天气、日历、电影实时票房、快递物流、PM2.5等) django-cms/django-cms - The easy-to-use and developer-friendly enterprise CMS powered by Django darknessomi/musicbox - 网易云音乐命令行版本 serengil/deepface - A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute ...
3.群助手功能(例如:查询垃圾分类、天气、日历、电影实时票房、快递物流、PM2.5等) django-cms/django-cms - The easy-to-use and developer-friendly enterprise CMS powered by Django darknessomi/musicbox - 网易云音乐命令行版本 serengil/deepface - A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute ...
3.群助手功能(例如:查询垃圾分类、天气、日历、电影实时票房、快递物流、PM2.5等) streamlink/streamlink - Streamlink is a CLI utility which pipes video streams from various services into a video player Theano/Theano - Theano was a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate ...
3.群助手功能(例如:查询垃圾分类、天气、日历、电影实时票房、快递物流、PM2.5等)django-cms/django-cms - The easy-to-use and developer-friendly CMShttpie/http-prompt - An interactive command-line HTTP and API testing client built on top of HTTPie featuring autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and ...