日本語記事・書籍多い(made in japan) 売りの一つが日本人が作った言語 日本国内のみ利用率高い。 定数は上書きすると警告出る。 英語大文字はじまりだと定数と扱われる 文法上他の言語と順序逆 (10.times do |num|) 書き方多い(こう書いてもいいというのが多い)list...
⭕ GOOD # 入力リストの要素を2倍する関数 def two_times_data(data: list) -> list: return [x * 2 for x in data] # データ集計を行う関数 def sum_data(data: list) -> int: return sum(data) # データ表示を行う関数 def print_data(data: list, total: int) -> str: print(f...
defprocess(self, batch=16, objectName='unknow',times=4):gnum=0lnum=0maxnum=len(self.imagelist)*timeswhilegnum < maxnum : images=[]forlnuminrange(0, batch):ifgnum + lnum < maxnum: images.append(cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.imageFolder, self.imagelist[gnum+lnum])))else:breakimages...
{'translation_text': 'Two plus two is five! Three times three is eight! The shark is a plant! Mt. Fuji is the tallest mountain in the world!'}, {'translation_text': 'I could understand it with my "heart" instead of my "word"!'}, ...
May be specified multiple times. Patterns can be negated, such that files matching them will not be overwritten, by prefixing them with an exclamation mark. Subsequent matches will override previous ones. A leading literal exclamation mark or backslash needs to be escaped. QUERY OPTIONS (APPLY ...