在pytest-bdd中,你可以使用fixture来定义和管理测试上下文,而在behave中,你可以使用setup和teardown步骤来达到同样的目的。 执行测试用例一旦你编写了测试用例,你需要执行它们以检查应用程序的行为是否符合预期。在执行测试用例方面,pytest-bdd和behave都提供了命令行界面和插件支持,以便与持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)工具集...
Choose the Best Python BDD Framework for your needs with the help of our in-depth Pytest BDD vs Behave comparison. Arthur Williams Posted on 30/12/2022 Similar to all popular programming languages, Python also has numerous BDD frameworks that we can choose from. Out of the lot, Pytest BDD...
pytest-bddis very similar to other Python BDD frameworks likebehave,radish, andlettuce. However, unlike the others,pytest-bddis not a standalone framework: it is a plugin forpytest. Thus,all ofpytest‘s features and plugins can be used withpytest-bdd. This is a huge advantage!
Gherkin是知名的Ruby的BDD框架Cucumber的功能描述语言,能够以自然语言描述一个需求,例如实现两个数字相加的需求用...运行测试在features同级目录下运行 behave 可以看到结果 TIM截图20180706151246.png 测试多组条件 Gherkin语言提供一个场景大纲的语法,可以指定多组测试条件。...TIM截图20180706152047.png behave框架还有...
↘️ Example test with behave-BDD Gherkin structure. Runs with behave. (Learn more) Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the RealWorld App Scenario: Verify RealWorld App (log in / sign out) Given Open "seleniumbase.io/realworld/login" When Type "demo_user" into "#username" And Type "se...
↘️ Example test with behave-BDD Gherkin structure. Runs with behave. (Learn more) Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the RealWorld App Scenario: Verify RealWorld App (log in / sign out) Given Open "seleniumbase.io/realworld/login" When Type "demo_user" into "#username" And Type "se...
Runs with behave. (Learn more) Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the RealWorld App Scenario: Verify RealWorld App (log in / sign out) Given Open "seleniumbase.io/realworld/login" When Type "demo_user" into "#username" And Type "secret_pass" into "#password" And Do MFA "GAXG2MT...