extended by countries in advanced stages of ODS phase-out as in the case of The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s involvement in shaping the phase-out strategy in Albania and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or the role of Mauritius in providing assistance to some African countries. multilater...
The article reports on work at a historical site in Bosnia-Herzegovina, located in the area governed by the Croat-Bosniak Federation. Minister of Culture Gavrilo Grahovac tried to halt a controversial archaeological dig led by Semir Osmanagic, based on the opinion that the dig is pseudoscientific...
('BA', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'), ('BW', 'Botswana'), ('BV', 'Bouvet Island'), ('BR', 'Brazil'), ('IO', 'British Indian Ocean Territory'), ('BN', 'Brunei Darussalam'), ('BG', 'Bulgaria'), ('BF', 'Burkina Faso'), ('BI', 'Burundi'), ('KH', 'Cambodia'), ('CM...
The article reports on work at a historical site in Bosnia-Herzegovina, located in the area governed by the Croat-Bosniak Federation. Minister of Culture G... Woodard,Colin - 《Chronicle of Higher Education》 被引量: 2发表: 2007年 加载更多来源...
Some iconic markets, such as India and Bosnia Herzegovina, are experiencing large-scale credit crises, and they are not alone. The deterioration in the quality of MFI loan portfolios can be attributed to several factors. Some fast growing MFIs have outgrown their risk management systems and ...
Venture capital funds in transition countries: Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia ThepurposeofthispaperistofocusonthepossibilitiesandlimitationsofventurecapitalformationinBosniaandHerzegovinaandMacedoniawheretherehasbeenalackofsuccessand... Robert,D.,Hisrich,... - 《Journal of Small Business ...
The article focuses on Sam Osmanagich, an amateur Bosnian archeologist who claims that three hills located adjacent to the town of Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina are actually 12,000 year-old step pyramids that predate the Egyptian Great Pyramids. Osmanagich made his fi...
The article focuses on Sam Osmanagich, an amateur Bosnian archeologist who claims that three hills located adjacent to the town of Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina are actually 12,000 year-old step pyramids that predate the Egyptian Great Pyramids. Osmanagich made his findings public in 2005 and...
The article reports on work at a historical site in Bosnia-Herzegovina, located in the area governed by the Croat-Bosniak Federation. Minister of Culture Gavrilo Grahovac tried to halt a controversial archaeological dig led by Semir Osmanagic, based on the opinion that the dig is pseudoscientific...
This study analyses a level of lighting performance between pedentive dome and pyramid roof mosque's construction in Mostars, Bosnia Herzegovina. The selected case studies are Karadjoz Beg (pedentive dome) and Neziraga Mosque (pyramid roof) which are located less than 500 metres apart from each...