Gynura aurantiaca, also known as the purple passion plant, is a striking houseplant. Learn how to grow and care for it in our in-depth guide.
Purple passion plant is covered with purple fuzzy leaves that make it a stunning houseplant. Find out how much sunlight and humidity this tropical native wants, when to repot, and why you should pinch your plant. Shimmery, velvet leaves make this tropical plant a captivating houseplant. Get ...
Define purple passionflower. purple passionflower synonyms, purple passionflower pronunciation, purple passionflower translation, English dictionary definition of purple passionflower. or passion flower n. Any of various chiefly tropical tendril-bearing
purple passion plantFenpropathrin and acephate (Orthene) were evaluated for aphid control on purple passion. Plants were grown in an amended pine bark medium in a glass greenhouse and hand irrigated as needed. Treatments were applied Apr 30 to all leaf surfaces to run-off with a hand-pumped...
8. Purple Passion Botanical Name:Gynura aurantiaca This lovely houseplant has fuzzy green foliage with a dab of purple hairs and edges. Grow it in any neutral-colored houseplant, and you’ll see how it’ll stand out from the rest!
Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. purple - a purple color or pigment purpleness chromatic color, chromatic colour, spectral color, spectral colour - a color that has hue lavender...
purple passion purple patch purple prose purple sage purple sandpiper purple shore crab purple trillium purplish purport Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024How to use purple sage in a sentence It was now a world of red earth and...
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I notice it reappears all through the house. Purple is this client's favorite color, so I made sure to use it, in varying intensities, in almost every room. There might be a shot of purple in a fabric, an artwork, or some object. When you thread the same color throughout a house...
I like purple too. I looked up color psychology before doing any house painting because I was curious what the colors I like mean. And purple is very royal and creative. ~ Paul Dano Early impressions are hard to eradicate from the mind. When once wool has been dyed purple, who can rest...