SmartCOP is a public safety software solution engaged in system development, implementation, and support services.
PowerDMS is the only software platform designed to recruit, train, equip, and protect employees across the public safety and healthcare sectors.
We built our public safety software to help improve safety and reduce risk, working with policing, justice and emergency services.
I'm interested in CMI's software, but do not want to lose my existing data? Support What are the technical support options provided by CMI? How does CMI handle requests for technical support? How does CMI handle software fixes, upgrades, and what are the costs?
Public SafetySoftware SolutionsCAD and RMS software solutionsincluding court integration for cities, counties, courts and law enforcement.Find out More CMI'scomphrehensive software suiteis specifically designed for Police, Fire and EMS Services.
With geographic information system (GIS) mapping software, public safety agencies & organizations keep communities safe with real-time public safety solutions and technology.
Solutions for Fire/EMS See how Samsung is giving firefighters and paramedics the tools they need to improve emergency response outcomes. Explore solutions Built in integration with industry leading CAD and RMS solutions Samsung partners with industry-leading public safety software providers to make sure...
From mission-critical call recording ,to emergency crash phone systems, and everything in between, our public safety software solutions give government, public, and enterprise organizations the actionable security information they need to be effective in their emergency response, investigations, and analys...
PUBLIC SAFETY & JUSTICE Your job is to respond to critical incidents as quickly as possible. Fulfilling that duty requires an end-to-end public safety platform that has you covered from the time of incident, through the response and beyond – featuring Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Next-gener...
Our public safety solutions are different, not only because of the research and innovation we put into them, but because of the human-centred focus that inspires their creation. Responsible AI We leverage responsible AI and the human-in-the-loop mindset to augment decision-making and automate ...