, PCA of the top-500 most variable genes in GMP cells collected at 3 w.p.i. c, Top-five activated or inhibited haematological functions and diseases associated with KLS cells with Daxx and Pu.1 DKO- (left) and Pu.1-KO-specific (right) gene expression changes. d...
注意事項 形狀僅供參考,可能會有所變更。 Working Range(Reference) 聯絡我們
Libraries were subjected to 35-bp paired-end sequencing using an Illumina NextSeq 500 platform on high output mode at the Einstein Epigenomics Core. Fastq files were generated using Picard tools (v.2.17.1), with adaptor trimming by TrimGalore (v.0.3.7) and QC assessment using FASTQC (v....
3NB-500, 3NB-800, 3NB-1000, 3NB-1300, 3NB-1600 Detailed Photos Company InformationUPET OILFIELD EQUIPMENTS CO.,LTD is one of the most well-known suppliers for the oilfield equipments in China, was established in 2000, ...
尚客优快捷酒店(平遥时代广场店)Thankyou Pingyao Times Plaza 尚客优快捷酒店(平遥时代广场店)位于世界文化遗产——平遥古城最繁华地段(顺城路),距离古城墙约500米,距大运高速路口、火车站、汽车站月5分钟车程,交通便捷。酒店设有标准房、大床房、家庭套房等多种房型、满足不同顾客的要求。酒店配有中央空调,10M无线...