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for _ in range(test_time): ptt_time = ptt_bot.get_time() if ptt_time is None: print('PTT_TIME is None') break print(ptt_time) end_time = time.time() ptt_bot.logout() print('Performance Test WebSocket ' + str( round(end_time - start_time, 2)) + ' s') print('Performanc...
01 计算机概述与基本原理 计算机的定义与发展历程 计算机的定义 计算机是一种基于微处理器的智能电子计算机器,能够按照人们事先编好的程序,自动、高速地进行数值计算、信息处理、数据存储和传输等一系列操作。计算机的发展历程 计算机经历了从机械计算、电子管、晶体管、集成电路到超大规模集成电路的发展历程,同时计算机...
Petron announced to the Philippine Stock Exchange in March that it had reached an agreement to buy the stake. The 160,000 m.t./year PP plant, expandable to 225,000 m.t./year, is based on the Dow Chemical Unipol technology. It will receive feedstock from Petron's 180,000 bbl/day oil...
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