Turns out all of these date/time pseudo elements have a bit of horizontal padding on them that we don't want to throw away when fixing the height issue, so this PR updates our reset to only remove vertical padding. Here's a demo showing the difference, test in Safari or Chrome to see...
AniJS AniJS is an animation library that allows you to add animations to elements in a simple ‘sentence-like’ structure Animista CSS Animations On Demand Tachyons-animate Tachyons itself is an atomic CSS library with a ton of utility classes for essentially designing anything by adding classes...
Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules) 截图如下: 解决 --- 原因是css 不知道这条规则提示,如果没有提示警告。 1.8K20 IE中的unknown类型 下面的代码也将得到unknown if(typeof window.ActiveXObject ! 62970...
Learn the basics of CSS Pseudo ElementsPseudo-elements are used to style a specific part of an element.They start with a double colon ::.Sometimes you will spot them in the wild with a single colon, but this is only a syntax supported for backwards compatibility reasons. You should use 2...
How to use custom fonts with Tailwind CSS May 25, 2023 Apply a style to a children with Tailwind Apr 10, 2023 CSS, how to select elements that do NOT have a class Feb 15, 2023 CSS box-sizing: border-box Jan 7, 2023 How to have a flex child not fill entire height Jan 4,...
Stylelint expects a class named.pseudo\:before-noneto have two colons even if the colon in the name is escaped and is not targeting any pseudo elements. I'm using thisweirdnaming convention to make my classes match Tailwind's. Which rule, if any, is this issue related to?