BOOK I Psalms 1–41 - Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of
so that no one on earth may fill them with terror. Psalm 11[bg] Unshakable Confidence in God 1 For the director.[bh] Of David. [bi]In the Lord I take refuge. How can you say to me, “Flee like a bird to your mountains!2 For behold, the wicked are bending their bows as they...
Süssmayr’s completion divides the Requiem into eight sections: ARequiemorRequiem Mass, also known asMass for the dead(Latin: Missa pro defunctis) orMass of the dead(Latin: Missa defunctorum), is aMassin theCatholic Churchoffered for the repose of thesoulor souls of one or more deceased pe...
傷感中他突然他又回憶起當年那件難以忘懷的往事,就是二十七年前的那天去拜訪那位垂危的威廉牧師時的情形。記得威廉在即將離世前,口裏反復在說著同一句話:“主啊,求你與我同住!”(Lord, abide with me)。此時此刻,這句話如同海浪般地反復湧上他的心頭。 他更從威廉的這句話連想到路加福音24章的那段經文。那...
You're the one That's saying Yes you are lord There's an armor and over again yes you did Lie to winter cavalry You are good and you hurt your head and die And sit eight Yeah In queen as my lord You're off again and yeah Proof when i'm carrying a hand Yeah ...
No, not one. 4Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, Who eat up my peopleasthey eat bread, Anddo not call on theLord? 5There they are in great fear, For Godiswith the generation of the righteous. 6You shame the counsel of the poor, ...
How blessed is the one[fy] who obeys[fz] the Lord,who takes great delight in keeping his commands.[ga]2 His descendants[gb] will be powerful on the earth;the godly[gc] will be blessed.3 His house contains wealth and riches;his integrity endures.[gd]4 In the darkness a light[ge] ...
BOOK ONE Psalms 1–41 The Way of the Righteous and the End of the Ungodly 1Blessedisthe man Who walks not in the counsel of the[a]ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 2Buthis delightisin the law of theLord,...
Footnotes 119 This psalm is a Hebrew acrostic poem; there are twenty-two stanzas, one for each successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each of the eight verses within each stanza begins with the Hebrew letter named in its heading. 119:37 Some manuscripts read in you...
so that no one on earth may fill them with terror. Psalm 11[bg] Unshakable Confidence in God 1 For the director.[bh] Of David. [bi]In the Lord I take refuge. How can you say to me, “Flee like a bird to your mountains!2 For behold, the wicked are bending their bows as they...