Ifmin_similis used,proxyCbecomes even faster because small similarity scores are floored to zero. bm2<-microbenchmark("proxyC all"=proxyC::simil(sm1k,margin=2,method="cosine"),"proxyC min_simil"=proxyC::simil(sm1k,margin=2,method="cosine",min_simil=0.9),times=10) autoplot(bm2) ...
CProxy是一个反向代理,用户可在自己内网环境中启动一个业务服务,并在同一网络下启动CProxyClient,用于向CProxyServer注册服务。CProxyClient和CProxyServer之间会创建一个隧道,外网可以通过访问CProxyServer,数据转发到CProxyClient,从而被业务服务接收到。实现内网服务被外网访问。 项目地址
IP2Proxy C Library To detect proxy servers with country, region, city, ISP and proxy type information using IP2Proxy binary database. IP2Proxy database contains a list of daily-updated IP addresses which are being used as VPN servers, open proxies, web proxies, Tor exit nodes, search engi...
proxy_buffering主要是实现被代理服务器的数据和客户端的请求异步。 为了方便理解,我们定义三个角色,A为客户端,B为代理服务器,C为被代理服务器。 当proxy_buffering开启,A发起请求到B,B再到C,C反馈的数据先到B的buffer上, 然后B会根据proxy_busy_buffer_size来决定什么时候开始把数据传输给A。在此过程中,如果所...
show up over SSLSSLCachingON# Before PI75968 only:# V3CipherSpecs Must be specified. Can be "".V3CipherSpecs"352F"TLSV1EnableON# end pre-PI75968# After PI75968, opt in to TLSV1.2TLSVersionALL# Use PI90112 defaults prior to PI90112:TLSV11CipherSpecs2F35TLSV12CipherSpecs9C9D3C3D2...
The header file Rpcproxy.h includes the following macro definitions, each of which may be convenient when building distributed COM application. These macros are invoked with the /D (or -D) preprocessor switch at the C-compile time.
1 首先最好有一个google账号,并且登陆Google Chrome浏览器。账号谁都会注册,如图再次登陆。2 之后 访问 Chrome的插件商城路径。复制到Chrome浏览器并打开这个路径。然后在 搜索框中输入Proxy Switchy如图所示--->点击第一个 点击免费--->添加---...
This document describes the procedure used in order to capture HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) traffic with the Macintosh(Mac) program Charles proxy. Prerequisites Requirements Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of Apple OS X. Components Used The information in this ...
This string specifies the new value to which the link address should be rewritten. The {C:1} is a back-reference to the condition pattern capture group and it will be substituted with either "webmail" or "payroll" strings. The {R:1} is a back-reference to the ru...
1 首先我们打开电脑上的开始菜单。2 在开始菜单中找到管理工具选项并点击。3 在管理工具的菜单中找到并点击组件服务。4 在组件服务中点击服务(本地)选项。5 最后在右边的菜单窗口中找到WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service点开即可查看服务描述。总结:1 首先我们打开电脑上的开始菜单,然后在开始菜单中找到...