编译报错“Property xxx does not exist on type 'typeof BuildProfile'.” 问题现象1 使用了自定义参数BuildProfile,编译态无异常……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
一、报错提示:Property 'xxx' does not exist on type 'never'. 开发过程中出现这个错误是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时在该对象没有定义相应属性,这个错误不致命,遇到该错误有以下几种解决办法。 1、将对象设置成 any this.targetArray =this.options.find((item:any)=>{returnitem.articleId ==val; }); ...
var item = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (hello world) } }); export default class ItemList extends Component<any, any> { render() { return (<item />) } } Then typescript complains this: Property 'item' does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicEleme...
具体代码如下: letsubviewMenus=menusArr.filter((item)=>{returnitem?.subview===config.subMenusId// return item}) 2. 分析原因 经过尝试发现,在TypeScript环境中如果按JS的方式去获取对象属性,就会提示形如Property 'xxx' does not exist on type 'XXX'的错误。 这是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时,如果该...
The item it claims does not exist, clearly does: BTW, this is in a Javascript application - NO Typescript is being used. If I don't have case, debugging is too hard. Can you reproduce the same code every time? If yes, I think #1707 or vuejs/vue#8721 ? Yes in one project, no...
Both components show the error:Property 'id' does not exist on type '[{ type: PropType<T>; required: true; }] extends [Prop<infer V, infer D>] ? unknown extends V ? IfAny<V, V, D> : V : { type: PropType<T>; required: true; }'. ...
However, although I see _elementRef is part of the element when I log it, I get the error Property '_elementRef' does not exist on type 'ElementRef'. I also thought that this would have been automatic with changing the, but it did not seem to work. TS import { Component, ViewChi...
经过尝试发现,在TypeScript环境中如果按JS的方式去获取对象属性,就会提示形如Property 'xxx' does not exist on type 'XXX'的错误。 这是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时,如果该对象没有定义相应属性的类型,就会产生该报错。 3. 解决办法 1. 将报错位置类型转为any(不推荐) ...
使用TypeScript开发 vue3 项目,开发中用for循环渲染UI时,出现这个错误是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时在该对象没有定义相应属性。 我们可以通过字符方式获取对象属性 <el-collapse v-model="activeName" :accordion="accordion"> <el-collapse-item :title="item['title']":name="index + 1"v-for="(item, ...
log(response.data); 通过上述步骤,你应该能够解决“property 'data' does not exist on type 'object'”的错误。如果问题仍然存在,请检查API响应的实际结构,确保你的类型定义与之匹配。