5-7-Ambiguous-Pronoun-Reference(共5张)AmbiguousPronounReference APronounwithTwoorMorePossibleAntecedents---MarvintoldJimhewasgettingtooold.Thereareseveralwaystocorrectthistypeofsentence.1)MarvinsaidtoJim,“Jim,youaregettingold.”2)MarvinsaidtoJim,“Iamgettingold.”3)Marvinwasgettingold,andhetoldJimso.A...
Identify the sentence with an ambiguous pronoun reference.A: The dog chased the cat, which was hiding behind the tree.B: The cat scratched the dog, and it ran away.C: The children played in the park, and they had a great time.
本作品内容为Ambiguous Pronoun Reference,格式为ppt,大小309KB,页数为5, 请使用Microsoft Office相关软件打开,作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容文本。 你可能感兴趣的 个人求职简历 简历通用求职简...
---Shewasimpressedwiththewayheroperationhadgone;thiswasthe vocationforher. WhenhewentbythedogPound,thedogrushedtothefenceandbarked athim. Shewasimpressedwiththewayheroperationhadgone;surgerywas thevocationforher. AmbiguousPronounReference APronounIt,They,andYouwithIndefiniteAntecedents -...
"Ambiguouspronounreferenceoccurs when pronouns such as 'he,' 'she,' 'it,' 'they,' 'this,' and 'that' don't refer clearly to one thing. Suppose a friend of yours made the claim thatTeddie never argues with his father when he's drunk."As the claim is stated, you don't know who...
No clue exists as to whether the counselor or Dave looked unhappy. These are examples of ambiguous pronoun references, which will confuse and frustrate readers. You can solve the problem in various ways, including changing the sentence structure or eliminating the pronoun, as in the following sent...
8. As a reflexive, the binding domain of ziji depends on the φ-feature1 of its antecedent and CP is not a boundary On the other hand ziji can be an impersonal pronoun with a vague reference. 自己」也可分为两类,第一类是一个典型的反身代名词,在句法上的行为完全符合管约理论对反身代名...
Ambiguous reference occurs when a pronoun is so far away from its antecedent that the relationship is unclear.() A. 对 B. 错 点击查看答案&解析 广告位招租 联系QQ:5245112(WX同号)你可能感兴趣的试题 面如满月(秋声赋一) 点击查看答案 单项选择题在人的成长过程中,真正持久的原动力源于 A、财富...
PronounReference •Allpronounsmusthaveanantecedent—thenounorpronountheyreplace.•Apronounmustagreewithitsantecedentinnumber(him,them),gender(him,her),person(me,you,him),andcase(he,him,his).•Apronounshouldclearlyrefertoonespecificantecedent.AmbiguousPronounReference •Withtheincreaseofthecontentof...
verb tenses, modification, & parallelism. But “Pronoun Reference” is one such error topic that is not based on a strict rule-set. For this reason, many people often mistakenly eliminate an answer choice because of “ambiguous pronoun error”, when in fact the pronoun reference is not really...