geotechnikUlrich SielerArmin HornRichard A. Herrmann
In the long run nonproliferation will be achieved through unification.doi:10.1002/mmnz.19980740103M.Y.M. ParkForeign Policy
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Prof. Thomas B|[uuml]|chner (22 September 1934|[ndash]|5 August 2016)|[mdash]|A leading European hematologist and AML trialistLeukemia is one of the leading journals in hematology and oncology. It is published monthly and covers all aspects of the research and treatment of leukemia and ...
Honorary Membership of the Gesellschaft für Nephrology to Prof. Dr. med. et Dr. iur. h.c. Fritz Schelerdoi:10.1159/000025929K.–M.KochS. Karger AGKidney & Blood Pressure Research
Dr.鈥怚ng. István Szabó (o. Prof. an der T. U. Berlin鈥怌harlottenburg), Einführung in die Technische Mechanik. Zweite, verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. XII + 397 S. m. 492 Abb. Berlin/Göttingen/Heidelberg 1956. Springer鈥怴erlag. Preis geb. 22,50 DM...
General practitioners are regarded as well placed to help prevent the transmission of HIV infection.1 2 3 In 1988 a study was started in the Netherlands to get more information on concerns about AIDS among the non-infected population and on the general practitioner's role in providing advice ...
Dr. Richard v. Mises, Prof. a. d. Univ. Berlin, Fluglehre. Vorträge über Theorie und Berechnung der Flugzeuge in elementarer Darstellung. 4., erw. Aufl. VI + 400 S. m. 226 Textabb. Berlin 1933, Verlag von Julius Springer. Preis geh. 14,50 M, geb. 15,50 M. (Selbstanzeige...
doi:10.1002/bbpc.19170231511No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Ztschrift Fr Elektrochemie Berichte Der Bunsengesellschaft Fr Physikalische Chemie
qualitycalidadsteroidsimmunisationcarcasseverracoimmunizationinmunizacioncarcassesverratNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1016/0168-1591(86)90088-2Hamprecht, BodoKleinert, HagenWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHPhysikalische Bltter