RESOLUCIN DEL PROBLEMA DE ENRUTAMIENTO DE VEHCULOS CON LIMITACIONES DE CAPACIDAD UTILIZANDO UN PROCEDIMIENTO METAHEURSTICO DE DOS FASES(English):This paper presents an alternative procedure to solve the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) with homogeneous fleet. The paper proposes a two-...
Aquí, X debe ser igual a 6200. X - RunningPlannedTotal + (RunningTotal-RunningPlannedTotal, en el último valor no en blanco de DateWvals) X a 6600 + (4000-4400) a 6200. Y así el X2 produciría: 8800 + (4000-4400) a 8400. Las vals de Pronóstico anteriores d...
This paper present s one solution procedure for that probabilistic model , considering one server per center, using a Hybrid Heuristic known as Clustering Search (CS), that con sists in detecting promising search areas based on clustering. The computational tests report results for network instances...