GoPro Awards 号召内容创作者提交其精美的 GoPro 视频、短片和照片。了解我们的内容创意挑战赛,分享你的精彩内容,赢取大奖!
GoPro Awards 号召内容创作者提交其精美的 GoPro 视频、短片和照片。了解我们的内容创意挑战赛,分享你的精彩内容,赢取大奖!
Chief Marketer is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Pro Awards, recognizing the most outstanding campaigns in promotional marketing.
銀獎:最佳品牌意識項目29年來,PRO Awards表揚傑出的品牌激活及宣傳營銷項目,是環球認可的嘉許計劃。獎項涵蓋話題項目、數碼營銷、網絡紅人計劃,以至體驗激活,由品牌營銷專家選出各範疇的年度最佳項目。今年,全球有超過1,000份申請競逐大獎,而Infinity Marketing Team成功突圍而出。按此了解Infinity Marketing Team。按此了...
GoPro Awards has $50,000 up for grabs through the end of 2023. We want to see life through your lens — show us your most immersive POV photos + videos to score your share of the cash. Learn More Photo + Video Challenge Get Wet, Get Paid GoPro Awards has $100,000 up for grabs...
PRO AWARDS 2000; Award Categories.(Brief Article)
Promoting the goods and services of others through the administration of an online incentive awards program.
MUST Awards 麻瓜青年选择奖在2022年发起,作为一个聚焦年轻消费群体的科技行业奖项,我们希望在每年的用户选择中总结行业年度成果、成为Z世代的科技消费指南;同时也希望借此机会与科技行业从业者、科技博主共同探讨行业发展变化,成为大厂科技成果风向标。 我们会持续运营MUST Awards 麻瓜青年选择奖,不断积累行业数据,在每年底...
View Awards Site focuses on how organizations around the world are rethinking and adjusting the role of operational excellence to prepare for the future, transform their businesses, and gain a competitive advantage. This event is thelargest gathering of senior-level executives across the entire busines...
又到了 IEEE 集中颁发荣誉的时间。7 月 2 日,国际电气电子工程师学会 IEEE 的奖项委员会公布了今年技术领域奖项(2022 IEEE Technical Field Awards)的获奖名单,今年共有 32 人分获共计 29 个奖项(3 个奖项由 2 人同时获得)。这些获奖工程师们的学术成就和杰出贡献对于前沿技术、社会发展和行业产生了持久...