Prise en charge du traumatisé crânien grave dans les 24 premières heures, dans le service des urgences, par la neurochirurgiehead traumaneurosurgeryManagement of severe head injuries during the 24 first hours in the emergency department. Neurosurgical approach. In France, the role of the ...
The occurrence of these complications can be prevented by the setting up of codified instrumental and clinical monitoring.doi:10.1016/j.soin.2012.05.011David MeunierAurélie DupréSoins. Chirurgie
Prise en charge préhospitalière du traumatisé crânien gravehead injuryGlasgow coma scaletracheal intubationprehospital emergency careAdvanced prehospital emergency care of patients with severe head injuries. Advanced prehospital emergency medical care of patients with a severe head injury must essentially...
Prise en charge hospitalière du traumatisé grave : stratégie initiale et gestes de chirurgie de sauvetageTraumaTrauma centerShock treatmentHemostatic surgerySalvageSevere trauma patients should be received at the hospital by a multi-disciplinary team directed by a trauma leader and all institutions ...
M. BoussofaraG. BoussofaraP. RavussinC. KaddourL. Skandrani
intubation trachealemedecine d'urgenceprehospital emergency carescore de Glasgowtracheal intubationtraumatisme cranienAdvanced prehospital emergency care of patients with severe head injuries.Advanced prehospital emergency medical care of patients with a severe head injury must essentially focus on the impact ...
JEAN-PAUL RENAUDCanadian Review of Sociology/revue Canadienne De Sociologie
How optimize the management of a patient with a severe attack of ulcerative colitis?David LaharieHépato-Gastro & Oncologie Digestive
After some time, the state of these patients will improve and it will be possible to plan surgery (after four years ten months for the young woman and two years...doi:10.1016/0168-6054(96)86994-7M De JouvencelE GrondardE AndriananjaAnnales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique...
Langer B, Boudier E, Haberstich R, Dreyfus M. Prise en charge obstetricale en cas d'hemorragie du post-partum qui persiste malgre les mesures initiales ou qui est grave d'em- blee. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2004;33:4S73-4S79....