Heap data structure is always a Complete Binary Tree, which means all levels of the tree are fully filled. In Min Heap, both the children of each of the nodes are greater than their parents. To understand the basic functionality of the Priority Queue in CPP, we will recommend you to visi...
通过超出就有目的性的删除或跳出循环,来实现最小k 组;这也是heap 数据结构自身的特性决定的; set 这里也可以用来取代heap; heap解法 4. 数据流中的中位数 (leetcode295) 对顶堆(1/3 位置求法也类似) 5. 丑数(leetcode264) : 这题解法中包含了Euler 素数筛概念,每一个合数必定由 最小质数 * 最大因子 ...
void HeapSort(int *data,int n) {//堆排序 CPriorityQueue<int> *pQueue = new CPriorityQueue<int>(data,n); int i; for(i=0;i<n;++i) { data[i] = pQueue->DeleteMin(); } delete pQueue; } int FindKthMax(int *data,int n,int k) {//在n个数中找第k大的数 CPriorityQueue<int> ...
1.前言 案例:使用最小堆(优先队列方式)实现 定时器功能,基于boost::heap::priority_queue实现。由于...
#define MinData (-32767) struct HeapStruct { int Capacity; int Size; int *Elements; }; typedef struct HeapStruct *PriorityQueue; PriorityQueue Initialize( int MaxElements) { PriorityQueue H; H = (HeapStruct *)malloc(sizeof(HeapStruct)); ...
section3: min priority queue 应用: 事件驱动 模拟器 section4: priority queue 也要存 对应 obj 的 handle: ptr / index // heap.h#ifndef_HEAP_H#define_HEAP_H#defineN 5externintheap_array[N];externintheapSize;intparentIndex(inti);intlcIndex(inti);intrcIndex(inti);voidmaxHeapify(int*parent...
~CPriorityQueue(void); voidInsert(constT&num);//插入优先队列 T DeleteMin();//返回最小值 boolisEmpty()const;//是否空队列 boolisFull()const;//是否已经满了 private: intcapicity;//容量 intsize;//当前大小 T*elements;//元素存储区