typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t; #endif 内容很简单 3. print函数 接下来是本篇文章主要新增的代码实现: TI_GDT equ 0 RPL0 equ 0 SELECTOR_VIDEO equ (0x0003<<3) + TI_GDT + RPL...
void nvme_show_discovery_log(struct nvmf_discovery_log *log, uint64_t numrec, enum nvme_print_flags flags) { nvme_print(discovery_log, flags, log, numrec); } void nvme_show_connect_msg(nvme_ctrl_t c, enum nvme_print_flags flags) ...
int print_uint128(uint128_t n) { if (n == 0) return printf("0\n"); char str[40] = {0}; // log10(1 << 128) + '\0' char *s = str + sizeof(str) - 1; // start at the end while (n != 0) { if (s == str) return -1; // never happens *--s = "012345678...
static void stdout_registers_bpmbl(uint64_t bpmbl) { printf("\tBoot Partition Memory Buffer Base Address (BMBBA): %"PRIx64"\n", bpmbl); printf("\tBoot Partition Memory Buffer Base Address (BMBBA): %"PRIx64"\n", bpmbl); }
struct plugin *plugin, void (*vs)(uint8_t *vs, struct json_object *root)); 10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions 10 plugins/fdp/fdp.c Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ static int fdp_configs(int argc, char **argv, struct command *...
print_field(netdissect_options *ndo, const char *st, uint32_t flen, const u_char *bp, u_int *len, uint8_t hex) { uint8_t u8_val; uint16_t u16_val; uint32_t u32_val; uint64_t u64_val; switch(flen) { case PTP_UCHAR_LEN: u8_val = GET_U_1(bp); ND...
C data typefmtunsigned typefmtsigned typefmt char unsigned char hhu signed char hhd short hd unsigned short hu int d unsigned int u long ld unsigned long lu long long lld unsigned long long llu size_t zu ssize_t zd intmax_t jd uintmax_t ju ptrdiff_t td ...
static bool TestOut2(TArray<UTexture2D*>& t1, TArray<UTexture2D*>& t2); 复制代码 當你想要輸出多個執行分支時,參考以下的方法 UENUM(BlueprintType) enum class EMyEnum : uint8 { BranchA, BranchB }; 复制代码 在ue4.8版中更新後 TEnumAsByte<EMyEnum>& 不在需要,要改成 EMyEnum& ...
be found in the LICENSE file.// go/src/fmt/print.go// version 1.7// 格式化输入输出的用法请参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/golove/p/3284304.htmlpackagefmtimport("errors""io""os""reflect""sync""unicode/utf8")// 用于 buffer.WriteString 的字符串,比使用 buffer.Write 写入字节数组更节省开销。
convert uint to hex representation convert unsigned 16 int in to MSB and LSB Convert utf-16 xml to utf-8 Convert var query to DataTable Convert variable name to a string? Convert Vb.net "CreateObject("Excel.Application")" into C#.net Convert VB.net project to C#.net Project convert vb6...