如果他能稍微简化一下自己的介绍(If he could simplify his introduction a bit),也许他真的能体会到奥卡姆剃刀的智慧(he might truly appreciate the wisdom of Occam's Razor)——简单往往更有效(simplicity is often more effective),直截了当反而更有力(straightforwardness is more powerful)。
Sergey Vatlin
Occam’s Razor: Problem Solving Principle To Create Simple SolutionsOccam’s razor (also called the law of parsimony) is one of the most useful mental models to solve problems. It advocates simplicity by focusing on key elements of the problem, eliminating improbable options and finding solutions...
作者: S Vatlin 摘要: Fuzzy classification models are one of the basic types of data mining models. The concepts of the simplicity and efficiency for fuzzy classifiers are introduced. We also introduced the concepts of consistent and degenerate selfguesssing fuzzy classifiers. The Occam's Razor ...
The negation of Occam's Razor would suggest that an arbitrarily complex explanation is just as good as the simplest one. (E.g. God and his cat created a robot called Sparky who built the universe from parts bought from a shop in another dimension). ...
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Shannon, After
The requirement of existence provides then a unique construction of the related probability density. I conclude the letter with an axiomatic formulation of the notion of entropy, which is suitable for exploration of the non-equilibrium phenomena....
doi:10.1002/0471650129.dob0419Sudhir KumarAlan FilipskiDov S. GreenbaumAmerican Cancer Society
This paper will explore the application of Ockham's razor (ontological parsimony) and the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to risk decisions with the objective of reducing complexity and increasing simplicity through reasonability in decision-making. To simplify the interactions between factors considered ...