[Photo] UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill donning a helmet during an air raid warning, London, England, United Kingdom, 1940 | World War II Database
Konoe Fumimaro was a political leader and prime minister of Japan (1937–39, 1940–41), who tried unsuccessfully to restrict the power of the military and to keep Japan’s war with China from widening into a world conflict. Konoe was born to the foremost
In 1958 the SFIO’s leadership supported the investiture of de Gaulle as president (former Socialist premier Guy Mollet joined de Gaulle’s government as a minister of state) and the creation of the Fifth Republic, prompting some party members to leave. The SFIO quickly became disillusioned wit...
he was almost alone in calling on France to resist Nazi Germany and to prepare for combined tank-air warfare, as recommended by Colonel Charles deGaulle. Appointed minister of justice (April 1938) Reynaud protested theappeasementof Germany by Great Britain and France and resigned from his parliame...