The meaning of PRICE-EARNINGS RATIO is a measure of the value of a common stock determined as the ratio of its market price to its annual earnings per share and usually expressed as a simple numeral.
Price-Earnings Ratio 市盈率 估值比率,指公司当时股价与每股盈利的比率 计算方法:每股市价 ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾每股盈利 每股盈利一般根据过去四个季度的盈利...
英:[ˈpraɪsˈɜ:nɪŋz] 美:[ˈpraɪsˈɚnɪŋz] price-earnings ratio是什么意思 本益比,价格与获利比率 price-earnings ratio英英释义 noun a measure of the value of a common stock determined as the ratio of its market price to its annual earnings per share and usuall...
一、市盈率的基本概念 市盈率(Price Earnings Ratio,简称P/E或PER),也称“本益比”、“股价收益比率” 或 “市价盈利比率”。由股价除以每股收益得出,也可用公司市值除以净利润得出。 市盈率是股票估值最常运用的指标之一。它的优点在于简单明了的告诉投资者:在假定公司利润不变的情况下,以交易价格买入,投资者靠...
The so-called “price-earnings ratio” is applied variously, sometimes to the past, sometimes to the present, and sometimes to the near future. But the ratio itself can scarcely be called a standard, since it is controlled by investment practice instead
必应词典为您提供price-earnings-ratio的释义,un. 价格与获利比率; 网络释义: 市盈率;本益比;价格收益比率;
price-earnings ratio n (Stock Exchange) the ratio of the price of a share on a stock exchange to the earnings per share, used as a measure of a company's future profitability. Abbreviation: P/E ratio Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColl...
金融名词解读:市盈率(Price Earnings Ratio) 市盈率和市价盈利比率、本益比、股价收益比率都是一个意思,英文称为:Price Earnings Ratio,简称P/E或PER,是指在一个考察期(通常为12 个月的时间)内,股票的价格和每股收益的比率。 市盈率的计算方式:市盈率 = 普通股......
price ratio 【经】 价比, 比价 inverse price ratio 价格的反比 price earning ratio 【经】 价格-收益比率 price to book ratio 市净率 相似单词 earnings n. 1. 薪水;工资;收入 2. 利润;收益;盈利 Price 价格,价钱[C] price n. 1.[C]价格,价钱 2.代价 3.投注赔率 v. 1.[T]给某物定价...
“Price to Earnings ratio”指的是本益比,也称“股价收益比率”或“市价盈利比率(简称市盈率)”。以下为Investopedia中对其的解释:“The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings (EPS每股盈余)....