Premiere Pro 音频概述 在源监视器中编辑音频剪辑 音轨混合器 调整音量 使用基本声音面板编辑、修复和提高音频质量 增强语音 增强语音常见问题解答 音频类别标记 自动闪避音频 重新混合音频 使用音频剪辑混合器监控剪辑音量与声像 音频平衡和声像平移 高级音频 - 子混合、缩混和路由 ...
取消链接后,即可单独对音频和视频进行处理。就算在取消链接的情况下,Premiere Pro 也会对链接进行跟踪。如果您重新链接这些剪辑,它们会指明是否发生了不同步移动,并且指明不同步程度。您可以让 Premiere Pro 自动重新同步这些剪辑。 也可以在先前取消链接的剪辑之间创建一个链接。如果您需要对单独录制的视频和音频进行同步...
通过“文件”菜单选择“导出”并点击“媒体”,您可以设置输出视频的格式、分辨率和其他参数,以确保其在不同平台上的流畅播放。 总之,在Adobe Premiere Pro中进行视频裁剪并不复杂,只要掌握基本的操作与技巧,您就能创造出引人注目的作品。无论是为朋友分享,还是发布到个人社交平台,学会裁剪视频都能显著提升您的作品质...
导入后,视频会出现在你的项目面板中。选中视频,拖动到时间线(Timeline)上,这样你就可以开始编辑了。 在时间线上,你会看到视频的波形图,轻轻点击并拖动视频的边缘,就能裁剪掉不需要的部分。这种方法特别直观,而且操作简单。但如果你需要更精确的裁剪,比如按帧来裁剪,就可以使用刀片工具。在时间线上,选择刀片工具(快...
Bring your vision to life with AI and best-in-class video editing features. Extend audio and video clips. Add frames, lengthen ambient audio, and eliminate awkward cuts. Generative Extend, now in Adobe Premiere Pro (beta), lets you easily extend clips using the new Adobe Firefly Video Model...
【单选题】PremierePro中存放素材的窗口是?A. Project(项目)窗口 B. Monitor(监视器)窗口 C. Timeline(时间线)窗口 D. Au
Hello, and welcome to the December release of Adobe Premiere Pro! Premiere Pro 25.1 is now available from the Creative Cloud desktop app and is recommended for all users. If you are experiencing any issues, please create a new post explaining your problem so we can help. If you have a ...
I have recently updated to the 2023 version of Adobe Premiere Pro. My project is quite large but I have been patient. It is stuck on the media pending screen for all my footage and I can't edit my project. This used to work before I updated. I am working on ...
fix Premiere Pro timeline not working issues because different codecs use different compression algorithms and encode data differently, which can cause compatibility issues. Some codecs may not be supported in certain versions of Premiere Pro or may produce poorer-quality video compared to other code...
Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial: Trimming clips on the Timeline in Premiere Pro You can begin editing clips after you add them to the Timeline. The type of edit you do in the Timeline helps you judge how each clip relates to the other clips in your sequence, thus refining the rough edit you...