Using medical equipments to examine baby in pregnant woman's belly. Let's experience the unique super-real pregnancy simulation game of mother together, come and click to download it! Subscription pricing and terms: This app offers an auto-renewing monthly subscription at $2.99/month to provide ...
怀孕游戏宝宝孕期是一款医生模拟婴儿照顾游戏,给怀孕的母亲做检查,确保小宝宝在母亲的肚子是健康和安全的,怀孕的母亲生病了,她感到不舒服,利用丰富的孕妇照顾经验,消除孕期带来的不适。 怀孕游戏宝宝孕期玩法 各种各样的测试等着你去使用,比如吸引器,筋膜枪,超声波机,高杆,体重秤等等。
This time we should face the challenge of taking care of the mommy's pregnancy days and her cutest newborn baby. We will spend the entire pregnancy cycle with t…
Learn what to expect during all pregnancy stages - from early pregnancy symptoms to labor & delivery, nutrition, pregnancy trimester information, and more.
Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
Your baby is the size of a long banana. You’re in the middle of the second trimester and are almost six months pregnant. The countdown continues: you’ve got 19 weeks to go! What Happens During the 21st Week of Pregnancy? Make the connection:With your baby’s cognitive development humm...
Your baby is the size of a strawberry. You’re officially at fetus phase now—that little seed is taking on a life of its own. It’s three months in now, that’s six more to go! What Happens During the 10th Week of Pregnancy?
While you're trying to conceive and once you get pregnant, experts recommend limiting caffeine to about one cup of coffee a day. It's important to watch your caffeine intake because having too much can affect your pregnancy and your baby. Seehow much caffeineis in different foods and drinks...
These amazing pregnant Halloween costumes are a must for anyone who's expecting this year. There are so many cute, clever outfits and DIY ideas to choose from!
When you are 5 weeks pregnant, you have entered the second month of pregnancy. Now it’s just 7 months to go for your baby’s arrival. 2. Do pregnancy symptoms come and go at 5 weeks? Every pregnancy is unique. It might happen that you do not feel any symptoms at all at this sta...