Chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia.Preeclampsia is considered superimposed when it complicates preexisting chronic hypertension. About half of women with chronic hypertension may develop superimposed preeclampsia. It is associated with increased maternal or fetal mortality. Nursing Care Plans and...
Patients encountering persistent hypertension at followup (six weeks) were observed to be mostly having severe preeclampsia earlier in contrast to normotensive group (p < 0.001). There was no association of variables with persistent hypertension; although, patients having severe preeclampsia were ...
Hypertension in PregnancyUtilization of Health Care Services of Pregnant Women Complicated by Preeclampsia in Ontario. Aizhong Liu,Shi Wu Wen,Jim Bottomley,Mark Walker,Graeme Smith. Hypertension in Pregnancy . 2009Liu A, Wen SW, Bottomley J, Walker MC, Smith G. Utilization of health care ...
Persons at risk of preeclampsia are defined based on the presence of 1 or more high-risk factors (history of preeclampsia, multifetal gestation, kidney disease, autoimmune disease, type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and chronic hypertension) or more than 1 of several moderate-risk factors (first ...
Focuses on the incidence of preeclampsia and hypertension as complications during pregnancy in Canada. Original article appeared in the April 1995 issue of `Canadian Family Physician'; Monitoring of high-risk patients with history of hypertension or previous preeclampsia; Low-dose aspirin therapy for ...
Janet Rich-EdwardsDepartment of MedicineEleni TsigasDepartment of MedicineSue E. LevkoffDepartment of MedicineEllen W. SeelyDepartment of MedicineHypertension in PregnancySkurnik G, Roche AT, Stuart JJ, Rich-Edwards J, Tsigas E, Levkoff SE, et al. Improving the postpartum care of women with a ...
Prevalence and management of severe intrapartum hypertension in patients with preeclampsia at an urban tertiary care medical centerNgozi Nwabueze aNikolina Docheva bGabriel Arenas bAriel Mueller cJoana Lopes Perdigao bSarosh Rana b
Joint modeling of hypertension measurements and time-to-onset of preeclampsia among pregnant women attending antenatal care service at Arerti Primary Hospital, North Shoa, Ethiopiajoint modeldiastolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressuretime to onset of preeclampsia...
InformahealthcareHypertension in PregnancyHe G, Liu X, Fan P, Liu R, Huang Y, Wang X, Li Q, Wu H, Liu Y, Liu B, Bai H. The C825T polymorphism in the G-protein beta 3 subunit gene in Chinese patients with preeclampsia. Hypertens Pregnancy. 2009;28:156-167.The C825T Polymorphism...
Objective: To compare women with preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), and norrnotensive pregnant women with regard to different coagulation variables including filtragometry, reflecting the in vivo situation more closely than conventional in vitro methods. Methods: Blood was sampled for ...