Preporuke: Duboko udahnite prije nego što započnete novi slajd ili sekciju prezentacije. Pokušajte planirati prikladni prijelazni izraz koji možete koristiti dok se krećete na sljedeći slajd, čak i nešto jednostavno kao "Krenimo dalje" ili "Razgovarajmo o tome (pre...
Anger poster som valts med SQL-frågor. Syntax SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT | DISTINCTROW | [TOPn[PROCENT]]] FROM-tabell Ett SELECT-uttryck som innehåller dessa predikat består av följande delar:
Performance comparison between PLMACPpred and other models in (a) ACPmain, (b) ACPAlter, and (c) ACP740 datasets. Full size image For further validating the robustness of the proposed method, PLMACPred was compared with five deep learning models and six ensemble-based ML ACP models on ACP...
Torrent Info for pred-259-C, infohash=914322326b0ff643a0fd2a7aed6d87b48703a8dd098b6a0dc2ca16d18361c50c70bddeed1af9f3618445a3e8ba18e92f
Sign inSign up xiph/opus Watch81 Star1.1k Fork326 Code Issues37 Pull requests7 Actions Projects Security Insights More master opus/silk/stereo_encode_pred.c Go to file Copy path 62 lines (57 sloc)2.82 KB RawBlame /*** Copyright (c) 2006-2011, Skype Limited. All rights reserved. Redistr...
2. Interactive, live with CPRed instructor can train your staff from their own homes or from your office or both. In-Person Classes / Training 1. You have the option of attending in-person, any of the ongoing classes. You will train with CPR manikins and AED trainers. First Aid partici...
RNA-editing is an important post-transcriptional RNA sequence modification performed by two catalytic enzymes, "ADAR"(A-to-I) and "APOBEC"(C-to-U). By utilizing high-throughput sequencing technologies, the biological function of RNA-editing has been actively investigated. Currently, RNA-editing is...
Summary: Gram-positive bacteria have surface proteins that are often implicated in virulence. A group of extracellular proteins attached to the cell wall contains an LPXTG-like motif that is target for cleavage and covalent coupling to peptidoglycan by sortase enzymes. A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) ...
Unofficial FFmpeg with added custom native Visual Studio project build tools. FFmpeg: A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. - History for libavcodec/hevcpred.c - wwwxxxwwwwxxxx/FFmpeg
Each row represents the attention weights of the current element (y-axis) towards the target elements (x-axis). A Residue-residue attention. B Function-residue attention. C Function-function attention Full size image Discussion The aforementioned results reveal limitations in the predictive ...