干细胞与组织工程 ppt课件 干细胞与组织工程 ppt课件 1 StemCellandTissue Engineering 干细胞与组织工程 组织、器官损伤或功能障碍是人类疾病和死亡的最主要原因。现有组织、器官缺损的治疗途径及缺陷:❖自体组织移植;❖异体组织移植;❖人工合成组织代用品;ppt课件 2 精品资料 •你怎么称呼老师?•如果老师...
Clinical translation of stem cell therapy in traumatic brain injury: the potential of encapsulated mesenchymal cell biodelivery of glucagon-like peptide-1. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. 2011;13:3. 1. Yuji Kaneko, et al. Cell Therapy for Stroke: Emphasis on Optimizing Safety and Efficacy ...
* Vivek Misra, Michael M et al, Stem cell therapy in ischemic stroke: Role of IV and intra-arterial therapy; Neurology 2012,79:S207 细胞治疗 本文档共28页;当前第5页;编辑于星期日\20点31分 * 神经干细胞* (neural stem cells, NSCs) * Alan Trounson, Courtney McDonald, Stem cell ...
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Past, Present, and Future文献翻译:诱导多能干细胞的过去、现在和未来 热度: 脑干损伤(Brain__stem__injury 热度: StemCellsandSociety Catalyst: Describeoneexampleofhowgenetic testingcouldbeusedtohelpsomeone. Describeoneexampleofhowgenetherapy ...
5. The themes of the conference include stem cell therapy, nucleic acid therapeutics, protein glycosylation, and global outsourcing of biopharmaceuticals. 6. Join us in November, 2016 as we explore twenty-first century feminism. 7. The Conference will focus on the evolving techniques, trends and ...
干细胞来源 胚胎干细胞:伦理问题骨髓/外周血:年龄、疾病限制其它组织:量少、难取脐血:量多、易取、无损 脐血概念 胎血-脐血-脐带血-胎盘血 脐带血体外采集 脐血体内采集 脐血管模式图 脐带-脐血应用史 •脐带-胎盘(血)滴眼/下乳李时珍《本草纲目》1590 •脐血静脉输注:Ascoli 1934 •脐血移植术(UC...
22、ys may serve to promote host defense on one hand and at the same time create a loop that prevents excessive tissue damage and promotes repair.(Cell Stem Cell 2013;13(4):392-402.)61不同来源的MSC的免疫功能比较脐带MSC的免疫抑制功能优于健康人和SLE患者骨髓MSC,而且MHC-I类抗原表达量最低。
如胚胎干细胞、人类诱导视网膜母细胞瘤多能干细胞等。Celltherpiesmaybecomeakeyclinicaltherapeuticoptionforacute,subacute,andchronicCNSdiseasesordamage.*VivekMisra,MichaelMetal,Stemcelltherapyinischemicstroke:RoleofIVandintra-arterialtherapy;Neurology,79:S207 神经干细胞* (neuralstemcells,NSCs)