该【Kinetic and Potential Energy动能与势能 】是由【落意心】上传分享,文档一共【21】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【Kinetic and Potential Energy动能与势能 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的...
1.PotentialEnergy(PE)•theenergythatanobjecthasbecauseofitsposition,shapeorcondition.PotentialEnergyofPosition •PEdependsonanobjectsmass,height,andtheaccelerationduetogravity.PE=mgh KindsofPotentialEnergy •PotentialEnergyofPosition(GravitationalPE)–Figure11,page392:theapplehaspotentialenergythatresultsfrom...
Potential energy and kinetic energy can change forms As you lift a ball it is gaining energy. At its highest point it has the greatest potential energy. As it drops what happens to its energy? Energy can change forms potential and kinetic Pendulum...
All Energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Potential Energy is… The energy stored in an object. Potential simply means the energy has the ability to do something useful later on. Examples of Potential Energy: A stretched rubber band.. Water at the top of a waterfall.. Yo–Yo held in your...
Energy comes in many different forms Kinetic Energy Gravitational potential energy Thermal Energy (heat) Nuclear Energy (nuclear power, atomic bomb) Electrical Energy (electricity) Chemical Energy (food, fire, …) We are going to look at the first two types of energy ...
Kinetic Energy and Work; Potential Energy;Conservation of Energy. Lecture 07 Thursday: 5 February 2004 WORK Work provides a means of determining the motion of an object when the force applied to it is known as a function of position. For example, the force exerted by a spring varies with ...
能量(energy): 物体能对外做功,我们就说这个物体具有能量,简称能。以下物体具有的能量如何分类?1、下落的锤子2、玩滑板的小孩3、树上挂的苹果6、被拉弯的弓5、奔腾的流水4、被拉伸的弹簧动能(kineticenergy):由于运动而具有的能重力势能(gravitationalpotentialenergy):由于被举高而具有的能弹性势能(elasticpotential...
Kineticenergyandpotentialenergy 4.1能量—另一个守恒量 (Energy—anotherconservativephysicalquantity)2009年11月18日8:00-9:50 4.1能量--另一个守恒量 1 4.1能量—另一个守恒量 人类认识能量和能量守恒定律的过程:经典物理学时代:伽利略:在做功中省力不省功;牛顿时代:运动物体具有某种功效:如...
4.2功和功率 Workandpower 2009年11月18日8:00-9:50 4.1功和功率 1 力学(Mechanics)第四章动能和势能 Kineticenergyandpotentialenergy 4.2功和功率 Workandpower 4.2.1力的元功和功率4.2.2力在有限路径上的功4.2.3直角坐标系中功的计算4.2.4自然坐标系中功的计算4.2.5极坐标系中功的计算 2009...
Work-Energy Theorem The total work done on an object equals the change in the object’s kinetic energy, provided there is no change in any other form of energy (for example, gravitational potential energy). We can summarize the relationship involving the total work and the kinetic energy as ...