(消毒) always immerse the endoscope and valves in a disinfectant solution of proven efficacy always irrigate all channels with a syringe until air is eliminated to avoid dead spaces always observe the manufacturers recommendation regarding the minimum contact times and correct temperature for the ...
‘s recommendation regarding the minimum contact times (最小接触时间)and correct temperature for the disinfection solution always observe the manufacturers recommendations regarding compressed air values always remove the disinfection solution (用压缩空气去除消毒液)by flushing air before rinsing always ...
‘s recommendation regarding the minimum contact times (最小接触时间)and correct temperature for the disinfection solution always observe the manufacturers recommendations regarding compressed air values always remove the disinfection solution (用压缩空气去除消毒液)by flushing air before rinsing always ...
PowerPoint プレゼンテーション - 义肢装具士の国际化教 …
AquaTimez(昵称「アクア」),是一支日本流行摇滚乐队。2003年成立,由五位成员组成:太志、大介、OKP-STAR、mayuko、TASSHI。最初的名称为“AquaTimes”,正式出道前主要以东京为中心,以地下乐队进行活动。2004年起连续两年获得日本新星堂乐团大赛最优秀大奖。2006年正式出道后开始受歌迷喜欢。演艺经历 乐队于2003年...
‘s recommendation regarding the minimum contact times (最小接触时间)and correct temperature for the disinfection solution always observe the manufacturers recommendations regarding compressed air values always remove the disinfection solution (用压缩空气去除消毒液)by flushing air before rinsing always ...
MS P明朝,メイリオ,Arial,Times New Roman,Symbol(Windows標準フォント)のみで作成して下さい.また,いずれも24ポイント以上をご利用下さい. 動画をご使用の場合,標準状態のWindows Media Player,または標準的な動画コーデックで再生できるようにファイルを作成して下さい.ファイル名は「プログラム...