$webClient=New-ObjectSystem.Net.WebClient$webClient.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials 如果操作系统凭据已正确配置,则此配置会通过代理来路由 PowerShell 请求。 若要使此设置在各个会话之间持久存在,请将命令添加到PowerShell 配置文件。
Az 和 AzureRM 可以同時存在於相同的 Windows 系統上,但前提是 AzureRM 安裝在 Windows PowerShell 的CurrentUser範圍內,而 Az 則安裝在 PowerShell 7 中。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱安裝 Az PowerShell 模組。 警告 自2024 年 2 月 29 日起,AzureRM PowerShell 模組已正式淘汰。 建議使用者從 AzureRM 遷移至 ...
生成的证书存储在Current User\Personal\Certificates中。 可以使用“控制面板->管理用户证书”选项查看它。 若要将此证书与有效服务主体关联,请以“应用程序管理员”身份登录到 Microsoft Entra 管理中心。 打开在“应用注册”下配置的服务主体。 从“概览”边栏选项卡中复制对象 ID。 使用值替换字符串<AppObjectId>...
# Import a PFX $credentials = Get-Credential -Message 'Provide PFX private key password' Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath <path to certificate> -Password $credentials.Password -CertStoreLocation cert:\CurrentUser\My 在PowerShell 7.x 及更高版本中导入证书 PowerShell 复制 # Import a PFX $store...
Demoting an additional domain controller requires Domain Admin credentials. Selecting Force the removal of this domain controller demotes the domain controller without removing the domain controller object's metadata from Active Directory. Warning Do not select this option unless the domain controller cann...
Running as a normal (non-elevated) user Launching PowerShell with Admin rights Windows PowerShell Basics - Using PowerShell cmdlets Windows PowerShell Basics - Supplying options for cmdlets Using single parameters Windows PowerShell Basics - Using command line utilities Windows PowerShell Basic...
The SetupScript.ps1 will create the required subdirectory strucuture, prompt for O365 admin credentials and will generate the Powershell scripts AssignLicense.ps1, Get-LicensingInputFromAD.ps1 and Get-MSOLUserLicensingReport.ps1. It will also prompt your for a...
$serverName= ‘myserver.mycompany.com’$secVaultCred= “C:\Users\myuser\Downloads\myvault_Mon Jul172023.VaultCredentials”$passphrase= ‘Default Passphrase’$alternateServers=Get-OBAlternateBackupServer-VaultCredentials$secVaultCred$altServer=$alternateServers[2] |Where-Object{$_.ServerName-Like$se...
Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId Write-Output $WFMUsers #Add users to the Team for Shifts Write-Output "Adding users to Teams team" $currentUser = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the current user's user name or AAD ID...
open the PowerShell console with elevated privileges and connect to your Azure account. TheConnect-AzAccountcmdlet prompts you for credentials. After you authenticate, it downloads your account settings so that they're available to Azure PowerShell. You can change subscription by usingGet-AzSubscripti...