how can I deactivate "life at a glance"? How can I delete the UMPDC.dll? How can I disable Device Guard? How can i disable lock screen after Remote desktop session? How can I find a specific interface / GUID? How can I get the stderr of command in powershell -c sent to stderr...
Step 5: User deactivates an active role assignment To deactivate an active role assignment, you need the following values: 展開資料表 ValueDescription PrincipalId Identifier of the principal to which the assignment is being granted, for example, a user or a group. For groups, they ...
Write-Host "Prompting the user for mfa ..." -ForegroundColor Green AcquireToken true Activate $true } else { Write-Host $err -ForegroundColor Red } } } #Deactivates the user function Deactivate($isRecursive = $false){ if($isRecursive -eq $false) { $assignments...
openSystem Propertiesfrom your control panel. Under theAdvancedtab, click theEnvironment Variables…button. Under User variables, find thePSMODULEPATHvariable. If the path(s) to the PnP PowerShell modules are the only values you can just delete it. Otherwise, you can edit it to remove those ...
If set to true the synchronization will not modify any TeamViewer user resources but instead only log the actions that would have been executed. Parameter DeactivateUsers: If set to true TeamViewer users that are not member of the selected AD group will be disabled. Parameter RecursiveGroups: If...
In this tutorial, you'll create, extend, activate, deactivate, and remove eligible role assignments. Prerequisites To successfully complete this tutorial, make sure you have the required prerequisites: Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is installed. Follow theInstall the Microsoft Graph PowerShell ...
Initialize-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow -WorkflowId <String> [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>] [-Subjects <IMicrosoftGraphUser[]>] [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Copy Initialize-MgBetaIdentity...
how can I deactivate "life at a glance"? How can I delete the UMPDC.dll? How can I disable Device Guard? How can i disable lock screen after Remote desktop session? How can I find a specific interface / GUID? How can I get the stderr of command in powershell -c sent to stderr...
Step 5: User deactivates an active role assignment To deactivate an active role assignment, you need the following values: ValueDescription PrincipalIdIdentifier of the principal to which the assignment is being granted, for example, a user or a group. For groups, they must be assignab...
Step 5: User deactivates an active role assignment To deactivate an active role assignment, you need the following values: Expand table ValueDescription PrincipalId Identifier of the principal to which the assignment is being granted, for example, a user or a group. For groups, they m...