" 的十六进制表示$bytesToSend= [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo([byte[]][char[]]$hexString.ToCharArray(), [byte[]])# 创建UDP客户端$udpClient= New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient# 发送数据$udpClient.Send($bytesToSend,$bytesToSend.Length,$remoteIPAddress,$remoteP...
$hex = "3A" $decimal = [convert]::ToInt32($hex, 16) Write-Host "The decimal value is: $decimal" 这段代码首先将十六进制数"3A"存储在变量$hex中,然后使用convert::ToInt32方法将其转换为十进制数。最后,使用Write-Host命令输出转换后的十进制数。 推荐的腾讯云相关产品和产品介绍链接地址: ...
Convert-String ConvertFrom-StringPSDesiredStateConfigurationDisable-DscDebug Enable-DscDebug Get-DscConfiguration Get-DscConfigurationStatus Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager Publish-DscConfiguration Remove-DscConfigurationDocument Restore-DscConfiguration Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager Start-DscConfiguration Stop-Dsc...
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This cmdlet returns aByteCollection. This object represents a collection of bytes. It includes methods that convert the collection of bytes to a string formatted like each line of output returned byFormat-Hex. The output also states they type of bytes being processed. If you specify thePathorLi...
如果您真的希望将数据存储为REG_BINARY类型,即存储为一个 * bytes * 数组,则必须在字符串表示之间...
Convert CURL syntax to Powershell Invoke-Webrequest Convert Date Format of a custom attribute from yyyy/MM/dd to MM-dd-yyyy Convert flat log file to CSV format Convert Hex to Registry String GUID Convert HTML to Excel keeping structure Convert Iso into .VHD file to deploy in azure cloud Co...
$base64 = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($result) Exception calling "FromBase64String" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array." At line:1 char:45 However, if I run the new line of code to make it hex from below I get: $hexResult = [String]::Joi...
vonPryz明智地建议直接将散列作为 * string *(REG_SZ)存储在注册表中。如果您真的希望将数据存储为...