$AdminGroup ='Administrators' $ADSI = [ADSI]("WinNT://$Computer") $ADSIGroup = $ADSI.Children.Find($AdminGroup,'Group') #LimtUsers [System.Collections.ArrayList]$limtUsers ="AAC\A-SCCMClientAdmin","AAC\Domain Admins","AAC\USG-AAC-LocalAdmins","Administrator" #FirstTime to Get Administr...
Example 1: Add members to the Administrators group This command adds several members to the local Administrators group. The new members include a local user account, a Microsoft account, a Microsoft Entra account, and a domain group. This example uses a placeholder value for the user name of ...
C:\>Get-LocalGroupMember-Group"Administrators"ObjectClass Name PrincipalSource---用户 TEST\test ActiveDirectory 用户ZS-DZAG050800\Administrator Local C:\>Add-LocalGroupMember-Group"Administrators"-Member"test02"C:\>Get-LocalGroupMember-Group"Administrators"ObjectClass Name PrincipalSource---用户 TEST\test0...
Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD group Add computers to domain in bulk / mass Add Computers to Security Group Based on OU Add current date to email subject line Add custom AD attribute to user depending on parent OU Add Custom Function ...
Add-LocalGroupMember-Member'CONTOSO\jdoe'-Group'Administrators' 相关命令: Add-ADGroupMember Add-LocalGroupMember net.exe dsadd.exe 风险:运行任意代码(如恶意软件、攻击或自定义脚本)以绕过保护 示例: PowerShell Start-Process-FilePath'\\san\share\malware.exe' ...
default session configurations on your computer: Microsoft.PowerShell, Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow, and Microsoft.PowerShell32 (64-bit operating systems only).Enable-PSRemotingsets the security descriptor for the configuration to allow only members of the Administrators group on your computer to use ...
Dir|Where-Object{$_.CreationTime-gt(Get-Date).AddDays(-14) } 导航文件系统 除非你通过第九章介绍的方式更改了PowerShell控制台的提示信息,否则你工作的当前目录会在控制台的命令行开头显示。你也可以使用Get-Location命令获取当前工作的目录。 如果你想导航到文件系统的另外一个位置,可以使用Set-Location或者它...
相反,使用Set-Content,Add-Content和Out-File这几条命令,而不使用重定向,可以有效地规避前面的风险。这三条命令都支持-encoding参数,你可以用它来选择字符集。 创建新驱动器 你可能会惊讶,PowerShell允许你创建新的驱动器。并且不会限制你只创建基于网络的驱动器。你还可以使用驱动器作为你的文件系统中重要目录,...
exe net user admin p@ssw0rd /add && timeout /t 5 && net localgroup Administrators admin /add C:\hh... 提示了错误没关系的,主要是没有把备份的文件写入c盘的权限而已,但是我们的恶意程序已经写进去了,然后我们现在重启下电脑: PS C:\Users\test> shutdown -r -t 0 如果提示拒绝访问且已经设置了...
Use Get-LocalUser PowerShell cmdlet to List All User AccountsHow Lepide Helps Being able to list all user accounts on a Windows system is crucial for security and management purposes. It allows administrators to identify all user accounts present, ensuring accountability for system actions and enabl...