But I've been try to add a specific user account to the local Administrators Group on a Windows 10 Device. I am using ConnectWise Automate to pass through the command. As I'm trying to update / add the local admin accountThe following scripts I've been using,...
Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts 将成员添加到本地组。 语法 PowerShell Add-LocalGroupMember[-Group] <LocalGroup> [-Member] <LocalPrincipal[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Add-LocalGroupMember[-Member] <LocalPrincipal[]> [-Name] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<Comm...
PSC:\> `Get-Service-Name"WinRM"-ComputerName'sz-test1119.test.local'Status Name DisplayName---Running WinRM Windows Remote Management(WS-Manag...PSC:\>Get-CimInstance-ClassName Win32_service-ComputerName'sz-test1119.test.local'|where{$_.Name-eq"WinRM"}|Format-Table-Property State,Name,Dis...
Admin Add-WindowsFeature, Get-WindowsFeature modules not recognized in powershell. ADD-WorkSheet Excel Adding -Verbose to a Cmdlet Prevents Script From Terminating on Error Adding a 2 line streetaddress to user accounts in Active Directory Adding an AD account to an AD group Adding an image as...
New-ADGroup-NameFileServerAdmins-GroupScopeGlobal 管理组成员身份 如前所述,可使用*-ADGroupMember或*-ADPrincipalGroupMembershipcmdlet 以两种不同的方式进行组管理。 这两者的差异在于,是侧重于对象和修改该对象所属的组,还是侧重于组和修改属于该组的成员。 此外,...
全局组可以嵌套在其他组中 举个例子:将用户张三(域帐号Z3)加入到域本地组administrators中,并不能使Z3对非DC的域成员计算机有任何特权;但若加入到全局组Domain Admins...可以嵌套在其他组中,非常适合在域森林内的跨域访问中使用(2)A-G-DL-P 策略 A-G-DL-P 策略:将用户账号添加到全局组中,将全局组添加...
{“Admin rights are required for this script”;exit} Convert-CsvToHashTable-pathC:\fso\addUsersToGroup.csv| ForEach-Object{Add-DomainUserToLocalGroup@_} TheAdd-DomainUserToLocalGroupfunction requires four parameters:computer,group,domain, anduser. Each of these parameters is mandatory, and an er...
New-LocalUser -Name "AzureADNetwrix@enterprise.com" -Description "Azure AD Account" Changing a local user’s password or password properties with PowerShell To change the password of a local user account, we need to use theSet-LocalUsercmdlet. Let’s change the local admin password: ...
此功能在 Active Directory 首次发布以支持迁移方案时就已到位。当用户通过身份验证时,用户所属的每个...
# Same for WMI. Requires 'Find-WMILocalAdminAccess.ps1', which seems to be removed from Nishang? Find-WMILocalAdminAccess -ComputerFile .\targets.txt Find-WMILocalAdminAccess # Finds domain computers automatically # Hunt for sessions of interesting users on machines where you have access (still...