try{ NonsenseString } catch {"An error occurred."} 关键字 (keyword)catch必须紧跟在try块或其他catch块后面。 PowerShell 无法将“NonsenseString”识别为 cmdlet 或其他项。 运行此脚本将返回以下结果: PowerShell An error occurred. 当脚本遇到“NonsenseString”时,会导致终止错误。 块cat...
Powershell Try/Catch结构的应用场景包括但不限于: 在执行可能引发异常的操作时,使用Try/Catch结构来捕获和处理异常,以确保程序的正常运行。 在编写脚本或自动化任务时,使用Try/Catch结构来处理可能出现的错误,以便及时采取相应的措施。 在与外部系统或服务进行交互时,使用Try/Catch结构来处理可能的通信错误或异常情况。
{ System.out.println("try值:"+i); return i++;//10 }catch(Exception e)...{ return i++; }finally { ...
try…catch 捕获异常: try…catch 几乎存在所有主流编程语言中,用法都差不多,简单俩个示例: try { 1/0 } catch { Write-Warning $_ } try { 1/0 } catch { Write-Warning $_ } Finally {"Finally Output!"} 1. 2. 3. trap 捕获异常: 使用Traps可以捕获异常,在捕获到异常时,可以在做相应的处理。
PowerShell随笔7 -- Try Catch PowerShell默认的顺序执行命令,即使中间某一句命令出错,也会继续向下执行。 但是,我们的业务有时并非如此,我们希望出现异常情况后进行捕获异常,进行记录日志等操作。 和其他编程语言一样,我们可以使用try catch代码块。 ???
try { [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($z1, $dir_from, $enc) $unzip_failed = $false } catch { $unzip_failed = $true }
throw语句的语法是:throw <异常描述>。其中的异常描述是字符串。当程序执行到此处,则抛出异常,该异常可被try-catch-finally语句捕捉。 示例: $x=1if($x-eq1){throw"错误:x等于1"} 输出: 错误:x等于1 所在位置 行:2 字符: 15 + if($x -eq 1) {throw "错误:x等于1"} ...
# try/catch/fix and continue $tries = 0 while ($tries -lt 2) { try { $tries++ $ErrorActionPreference='Stop' # code I am testing goes here - perhaps with a param argument that needs changing $tries++ } catch { #fixup code goes here $ErrorActionPreference='SilentlyContinue' # and ...
Explain Try Catch Finally block in PowerShell - Try/Catch block in PowerShell is to handle the errors which are produced in the script. To be specific, the errors should be terminating errors. The Finally block in the PowerShell is not mandatory to write
Try catch is a control flow statement that is used within PowerShell to catch errors and exceptions. It can be used when you want to handle errors in your script and stop it from proceeding further. AlthoughPowerShellis a powerful Windows command-line tool, sometimes, it can be hard to in...