使用Get-User命令去寻找group membership of a domain user $((Get-ADUser Wendy -Properties *).MemberOf -split (“,”) | Select-String -SimpleMatch “CN=”)-replace“CN=”,”” 扩展1️:获取在群组Wendy和群组Gaga中的所有用户 Get-ADUser -Filter* -SearchScope Subtree -SearchBase"dc=xx,dc=x...
Does get-aduser with -select always truncate the fields? Does not working 100% of the time: Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership : Directory object not found Does the Get-Disk funtion only return basic disks? Download and Install Powershell 7 Download blob file from sql table download Email(POP3) a...
Below is a script that allows you to get membership information for all users in Active Directory and output the file to a CSV in the root of C:\ here is the script:wp-block-code Copy $users = Get-ADUser -Filter * $CSVFile = "C:\group_membership.csv" foreach(...
一、GET-ADUser在AD域管理中的应用总结 GET-ADUser:获取指定的用户对象或进行搜索,以获取多个用户对象。 1.获取dc中所有的用户,导出为csv格式并保存到指定的路径下 举例:Get-ADUser -filter * |export-csv 保存路径 -Encoding utf8 2.获取某一用户的所有AD属性,导出为csv格式并保存到指定的路径下. 举例:Get-A...
GET-ADUser:获取指定的用户对象或进行搜索,以获取多个用户对象。 1.获取dc中所有的用户,导出为csv格式并保存到指定的路径下. 举例:Get-ADUser -filter * |export-csv 保存路径 -Encoding utf8 2.获取某一用户的所有AD属性,导出为csv格式并保存到指定的路径下. ...
Get-ADUser -Identity 指定用户名 Get-ADUser -Filter 特定(过滤)用户名 输出格式/导出为文件 调整输出格式: 举例:Get-ADuser -filter * |ft name,Company 导出为文件: 举例:Get-ADuser -filter * |export-csv 路径 -Encoding utf8 说明文档: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/activedirec...
# 获取指定部门的用户$usersInHR=Get-ADUser-Filter{Department-eq"HR"}foreach($userin$usersInHR) {# 执行相关操作,例如重置密码、发送通知等Set-ADAccountPassword-Identity$user.SamAccountName-Reset-NewPassword(ConvertTo-SecureString"NewP@ssw0rd"-AsPlainText-Force)Send-MailMessage-To$user.EmailAddress-...
$b = Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $_.account -MemberOf SHoffice if($b -eq $null){ echo ($_.account+'加入SHoffice组成功') } else{ $b = Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $_.account -MemberOf SHoffice if($b -eq $null){ ...
Get-ADUser -Identity a.adams -Properties memberof | Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberof You can use theGet-ADPrincipalGroupMembershipgeneric cmdlet to copy group membership of any AD object (user, computer or group). $userSource= “jsanti" ...
使用Get-ADUser 时,Windows PowerShell 仅返回一组默认属性。 要查看其他属性,需要使用 -Properties 参数,并使用逗号分隔的属性列表或“*”通配符。 例如,通过在控制台中输入以下命令,然后按 Enter 键,可检索默认属性集以及 SAM 帐户 anabowman 用户的部门和电子邮件地址: ...