The water freezing signals strongly depend on the state of dispersion of the droplets, showing themajor role of droplet sedimentation in the emulsion destabilization process.Schulhof, LWILEY‐VCH VerlagAstronomische Nachrichten
The loss in activity, however, was not due to a diffusional effect (e.g., blocking of the catalyst by the growing polymer). Studies of the ageing of the catalytic system showed a deactivation of the catalytic system itself as a function of the time of contact between the catalyst and ...
We also show how our pre-filtered geometry model and approximate cone tracing can be used to very efficiently achieve blurry effects and real-time indirect lighting.L. ObertP. ClappazC. HampelN. BlanchetD. LepageJ. PauchotP. GarbuioY. TropetGrenoble...
We study in a constructive manner some problems of topology related to the set Irr of irrational reals. The constructive approach requires a strong notion of an irrational number; constructively, a real number is irrational if it is clearly different from any rational number. We show that the ...