In primigravidae, the complexity of the placental infection was associated with occurrence of low birth weight. The results also reveal the ability of some parasite genotypes to persist over several weeks and, still found in the placenta at delivery particularly when the host anti-VAR2CSA antibody...
Cette commande remplace % variable ou %% variable par chaque chaîne de texte dans l’ensemble spécifié jusqu’à ce que la commande spécifiée ait traité tous les fichiers. Les noms de variables respectent la casse, sont globaux et il ne peut pas y en avoir plus de 52 actifs à la...
Par exemple, la messagerie Outlook n’affiche plus les étiquettes qui s’appliquent uniquement aux documents Word, Excel et PowerPoint. PowerPoint Étendue de l’étiquette de confidentialité entre les fichiers, les e-mails et les réunions : Les applications Office peuvent désormais filtrer ...
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Shortage of workers because men were then in the front line Face à un manque is right.Face au...
The goal of this thesis is to build a predictive model for a continuous industrial unit combining simultaneously nickel ore dissolution and iron precipitation. A two steps method was used. First experiments in batch or semi-batch reactors were done in order to understand and model separately the ...
Pierre-Yves Le Maigat、Ensemble Vocal Raphaël Passaquet、anne-marie rodde、Sonia Nigoghossian、Bruce Brewer、Christian Tréguier、Raphaël Passaquet Vocal Ensemble、Jean-Marie Gouelou、Jean-Philippe Rameau、La Grande Ecurie et la Chambre du Roy、rachel yakar - Prologue: Air grave pour deux ...
Francisco PadillaPierre Gélinascanadian journal of civil engineering
Eæ-GFP-LCR transgenic mice show a B cell lineage specific expression starting in pro-B cells and continuing all along differentiation until mature B cells. To avoid silencing, the GFP-LCR vector was flanked by insulators. Its expression was then d...
doi:EP2281876 A2Romaan RaemaekersPascale FeldmannGeert PlaetinckIrene NoorenBleu Els VanFrédéric PECQUEURLaurent KublerNicole DammeLies DegraveIsabel Remory