ANA titer of 1:160(range 1:80 to 1:1280)and median anti-SMA titer of 1:40(range 1:20 to 1:160).There were no significant differences in baseline demographics between the autoantibody positive and negative donors.Post-transplantation rates of death(P value=1),infections(P value=0.66),and...
The female patient was a 53 year old cocaine abuser who also had a p-ANCA titer at 1:1280, MPO >8, and PR3 (0.4), which were positive due to adulterated cocaine use and not due to vasculitis. One patient died within 6 years of diagnosis of ILD and never developed articular symptoms...
We performed flow cytometric analysis of Th17 and Tregs' percentage in the peripheral blood of the patients. The serum levels of IL-6, IL-10, TGF-β and IL-17A were detected by ELISA. Results: All patients 'sera were ANA positive at high titer of dilution (above 1:1280). We detected...