Populus simonii×P. nigrapollenpollen germinationpollen tube growthtranscriptionDGEdifferentially expressed genesPollen tubes are an ideal model for the study of cell growth and morphogenesis because of their extreme elongation without cell division; however, the genetic basis of pollen germination and ...
1.Study of Young Growth ofPopulus simonii×nigraon Soil Water Consumption;小黑杨人工幼龄林对土壤水消耗量的研究 2.Water Productivity ofPopulus simonii×nigraand Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica Stand in Middle and Lower Reaches of Nenjiang River;嫩江中下游小黑杨樟子松林分水分生产率研究 3.Preliminary ...
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is one of the most abundant reactive oxygen species (ROS), which plays dual roles as a toxic byproduct of cell metabolism and a regulatory signal molecule in plant development and stress response.Populus simonii×Populus nigrais an important cultivated forest species with...
We introduced CpTI gene and partially modifiedCryl Agene into poplar hybrid clone NL-80106 (Populus deltoidesL. ×Populus simoniiCarr.) byAgrobacteriumtumefacien-mediatedtransformational system Transgenic poplar plants co-expressing two genes showed strong insect-resistance to the larva ofLymantria dispar...
P. simonii P. suaveolensb P. szechuanica P. trichocarpa P. yunnanensis TurangaP. euphratica P. ilicifolia P. pruinosa Source: Eckenwalder JE (1996) Systematics and evolution ofPopulus. In: Stettler RF, Bradshaw HD Jr, Heilman PE, and Hinckley TM (eds)Biology of Populus and its Implicatio...
2) (Populus pseudo-simonii×P.nigra var.lica)×(P.×beijingensis) '哲引3号杨'×'北京杨'3) Populus deltoides cv. liaoyu 3 辽育3号杨 1. nov,Populus deltoides cv. 对辽宁杨、辽育3号杨、鞍山小钻杨3个品种进行了水泡溃疡病抗性试验,通过野外调查、室内接种、树皮含水率和愈伤组织形成4...
Populus simonii×nigraLate-embryogenesis-abundant proteinsAbiotic stressField experimentXL-9, XL-7, and XL-13 are the preferred lines for subsequent production tests. Transgenic hybrid poplar lines can be selected for adaptability 2 years after field experiments. The results of this study will ...
Populus simonii × P.nigraERF transcriptional factoryeast two-hybridproteins interactionClones identified from a yeast-two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with the carboxy-terminal domain of LIT-1. (DOC)doi:10.1080/13102818.2018.1453309Wang, Lei...
摘要 利用PCR技术从小黑杨(Populussimonii×Populusnigra)叶片cDNA中克隆到2个杨树真核翻译起始 因子(Eukaryotictranslationinitiationfactor5A)基因(eIF5A2/4)。利用双酶切法分别构建了含有eIF5A2/4的酵母 表达载体pYES2-eIF5A2/4,转化酿酒酵母(Saccharomycescerevisiae)尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株INVSc1,挑取转化子进 行PCR...