iTunes Amazon This is "the" funeral march, actually called "Piano Sonata No. 2 In B Flat Minor." The tune of the children's rhyme, "Pray for the dead, and the dead will pray for you." Used in old, cheesy video games when your character died. www...
The julianday() function returns the Julian Day, i.e. the number of days since noon in Greenwich, England on November 24, 4714 B.C. The strftime() function returns the date formatted according to the format string specified as the first argument.To...
E. B. DuBois who pointed out that rhythm, lyrics, and harmony are what tie together even those living in most oppressive and pre-literate conditions of the world of the American slave. In a different way, Max Weber developed this same theme by noting that the music of Europe was ...
CCaannoonniiccaall ccoorrrreellaattiioonnaannaallyyssiissmmooddeellffoorr((aa))eexxtteennssiittyy,,aanndd(b(b))inintetennssitiyty. . In contrast to traditional digital divide literature [30,31], both the price and education are not the two Imn acionnetrxapsltatnoattroardyitvioanriaal...
B-Chan has some thoughts on the ending of his life. I never read much by him, but by all accounts, he did seem to be an unhappy man. I'm sure that being a homosexual in the fifties and sixties didn't help. In any event, if there's a better place, here's hoping he's there...