Bed & BathBathroomPowder RoomBedroomStorage & ClosetBaby & KidsUtilityLaundryGarageMudroom OutdoorLandscapePatioDeckPoolBackyardPorchExteriorOutdoor KitchenFront YardDrivewayPoolhouse Bar & WineHome BarWine CellarMore RoomsGame RoomHome OfficeBasementCraftLibraryGym Popular Design IdeasKitchen BacksplashFirepit...
LED lights getting the attraction in the pool table. Square shaped panels and wooden laths bring mobility to white walls. Upperbuilt-in cabinets provide extra storageand maximizing the functionality of the room. Wooden flooring completes this modern look thoroughly. ...
A major part of the project was a custom designed pool house, complete with all the amenities of home. The pool house has a bathroom, changing room and living room with internet access, phone, flat screen TV and a spectacular view over looking the pool area. It is the perfect spot to ...
non slip indoor swimming pool ceramics for flooring offers $8.70 - $15.00 Min. order: 1 square meter New Design Safety Edge Ceramic Glazed 244x119mm finger grip pool edge tile for modern pool designs $1.20 - $1.50 Min. order: 18 pieces ...
60 Clever Home Decor Ideas, According to Designers Does This Sofa Go with My Monet? Can You Find the Hidden TV? Here’s How to Find the Best Furniture Deals 32 Styling Tricks Your Small Living Room Needs Thinking of Skipping Curtains? Think Again Miles Redd Wants to Help You Bring the ...
The home was built in the 80s, and Henry was in the middle of a renovation project when she made an incredible find. According, Mrs. Henry is a talented glasswork artist from Arkansas and was renovating a spare room when they discovered the hardwood flooring had a differ...
Wall Stone, Book Match Marble Flooring, Natural Quartz Swimming Pool Coping, Stairs, Baluster, Waterjet, Mosaic, Granite Countertop, Onyx Vanity, Pattern Paving, Fountain, Fireplace, Marble Bench, Slate Roofing Project: Number One Quality Homes Design in Australia ...
Perennial planting on the lower level would be viewed from the lounge room, but would also soften and conceal walls and hide a basketball area on the upper level. Here sections of industrial-scaled concrete pipes make productive vegetable and herb gardens. A small plunge pool was designed to...
opportunity to express yourself by making glass tiles mosaic under your unique design design. We can also help you with making not only the glass tiles mosaic, but also the design of your bathroom. Our designers will create a mosaic for you that will satisfy even the most exciting ideas you...
Inside, one of thebedroomshas a large dark wood platform bed and narrow windows. A natural fiber area rug covers the polished bamboo flooring. Click here to view our gallery of bed frames for even more unique frame ideas! One of the home’sbathroomshas a free-standing soaking tub that loo...