On December 16, Pomona College, one of the top liberal arts colleges in the US, released its ED results.The college extended five offers to Chinese students - two from overseas high schools and three from China.The numb...
波莫纳学院(Pomona College),创建于1887年,位于美国南加利福尼亚州的克莱蒙特市,是一所世界一流的顶级文理学院,其本科教学及学术成就在全世界均富享盛誉。学院只提供高质量的精英本科教育,不设研究生院。波莫纳学院也是著名的“克莱蒙特学院联盟(Claremont Colleges, Inc )”的创建者之一。 注:克莱蒙特学院(Claremont Co...
最挑剔和最富有的大学之一—波莫纳学院(Pomona College) 波莫纳学院(Pomona College)是位于美国加利福尼亚州克莱蒙特的一所文理学院。初衷是希望在南加州重现"college of the New England type”。最初是在Pomona建立的,次年搬去了Claremont。学院占地 140 英亩(57 公顷)的校园位于洛杉矶市中心以东 35 英里(56 公里)...
在他的指导下,学院探索了第三条道路。借鉴英国牛津和剑桥大学的经验并以它们为蓝本,波莫纳创立了全美独一无二的克莱蒙特联盟(The Claremont Colleges)。在接下来的75年里,两所研究生学院和四所本科学院纷纷加入这个联盟,校园彼此毗邻。这令无障碍的学术交流...
热爱艺术表演的,在The Claremont Colleges Ballroom Dance Company能找到同道中人。喜欢户外运动的,不妨找找On the Loose,五校联盟最大的俱乐部之一,每年举办150多次户外活动。若你性格外向有辩才,The Women’s Union里每周都有研讨会,Pomona Student Union和Students of Color Alliance Symposium也能让你在公众面前一...
Pomona College has everything you might expect from one of the nation’s finest liberal arts colleges. But before you assume we're generic, consider that we are within an hour of mountains, deserts, beaches and the country’s second largest city. Our Los Angeles-adjacent location is as stel...
Colleges Where Male Applicants Have an Edge Posted in Your College List, Class of 2028 QUESTION: what happens when a college wants a balanced class but has to draw on a much smaller male applicant pool? ANSWER: higher admission rates for guys! We looked at several popular coed institutions...
Pomona College is a private college, which means that it costs more than public colleges do. All students living on campus must put down a deposit of $500 prior to the start of the school year and pay a little under $200 in student fees. The cost of tuition alone is around $23,600...
波莫纳学院 Pomona College 位置: 加州克莱蒙特 排名: #7 (tie) in National Liberal Arts Colleges #5...