here, Co and Cf are the initial and final dye concentrations, and D.E. stands for degradation efficiency. 3 Result and Discussion A literature search was conducted on SnO2 NP synthesised using various techniques, including sol-gel, hydrothermal, and precipitation procedures, to evaluate the present...
Zeiss Inc. (Oberkochen, Germany). Digital images of the sliced ileum tissue samples were captured by a Sony 3CCD-VX3 camcorder. The goblet cell, lymphocyte number, villus height, and crypt depth were measured by the image analysis software of Intronic GmbH & Co. (Rothenstein, Berlin, Germany...
The resulting precipitate was washed thrice with hot water at 70 °C, dried in a WGL-45B oven (Tianjin Taiste Instrument Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China) at 40 °C, crushed using a MM 400 mixer mill (Retsch GmbH, Hahn, Germany) with a stainless-steel grinding bead for 1 min at 25 Hz...