Even when distant metastases to the liver or lungs are known to be present, there is merit in removing the primary tumor to prevent later obstruction of the colon and hemorrhage, and to reduce the tumor burden prior to chemotherapy. The presence of a large rectal cancer usually requires ...
If enlarges, symptoms development esp blood loss of anemia Iron deficiency anemia Common esp. in right sided lesions Chronic occult blood loss —>iron defieicnyThink this if over 50 Lower GI bleed Cancer and polyps can bleed spontaneously -more likely if on anti-platelet or anticoagsUnexplained...
including nasal polyps. Actually, vitamin C can help in increasing the immune system, thusincreasing the body’s ability to beat off the symptoms of nasal polyps. By taking more vitamin C, you can increase the production of bioflavonoids, which help to stabilize the blood tissues as well ...
Among these problems, nasal polyps can be considered as the stubborn one. Appearing as the result of chronic inflammation, nasal polyps will lead to various annoying symptoms, pain, and discomforts. If not treated properly, these polyps can be very dangerous for your own health as well as ...