Ultra Shiny Gold SigmaPokemon Shiny Gold Sigma UnboundPokemon Unbound Download Victory FirePokemon Victory Fire Wally QuestPokemon Wally Quest Weird Type FunWeird Type Fun Yu-Gi-Oh POKeDUELYu-Gi-Oh POKeDUEL Browse All CHEATS Click to view cheats ...
Also, if you find cheats for Pokemon hacks, you can scroll to Pokemon Cheats and Gameshark Codes section; we have Cheats for Pokemon Fire Red & Emerald, almost hacks are based on these games so you can use their cheat codes for your hacks. Pokemon GBC ROM Hacks (currently unnamed) ...
1. Pokemon Unbound Learn more See cheats The year 2025 is still the year of Unbound. Unbound is the top of our list since 2021, and most especially with the release of V2, the game has become more interesting to play. This is a hack ofFireRed, packed with the original story with upd...
Shiny Pokémon. Enter one of the following codes to encounter a shiny Pokémon. It is recommended that you pair this with another modifier. However, this code will override the gender modifier code. In newer versions of Pokémon Unbound, the shiny will not appear until it is captured. You ma...
Shiny Pokemon WATCH VIDEO:Click here Cheat code: F3A9A86D 4E2629B4 18452A7D DDE55BCC Community Shared Cheats We need your help in collecting and testing cheat codes for Pokemon Theta Emerald EX. As a community of Pokemon enthusiasts, we aim to provide the most comprehensive list of cheat ...
Pokemon Unbound Cheats Best Pokemon ROM Hacks Working Cheat Codes for Pokemon FireRed Rocket Edition Note: Make sure to accurately add each cheat according to its respective cheat type. Additionally, you can choose to add Game Shark cheat types as Action Replay codes. ...
Solution: Tofix the glitchy Pokemon name, you must disable the shiny cheat just before capturing a Pokemon or give your it an empty name. Item Not Appearing in the PokeCenter? You entered the item cheat, and after checking your PC, there’s nothing in there. Or perhaps your chosen item...
Ultra Shiny Gold SigmaPokemon Shiny Gold Sigma UnboundPokemon Unbound Download Victory FirePokemon Victory Fire Weird Type FunWeird Type Fun Yu-Gi-Oh POKeDUELYu-Gi-Oh POKeDUEL Best Pokemon ROM Hacks Poll History (TOP 15) In this section, you can find our poll history for the best pokemon ro...