We are back to the first generation with our next selection, Nidoking. Nidoking is the final evolution in the Nidoran male lineup and the alternate to Nidoqueen. What sets the king apart from the queen is the fact that he is a deadly wallbreaker. Get its hidden ability sheer force and al...
Ideal Team:Gengar, Venomoth, Tentacruel, Venusaur, Crobat, Nidoking/Nidoqueen Optional:Muk, Weezing, Arbok, Ariados, Beedril, Victreebel, Vileplume Starter?Bulbasaur Covers Weaknesses?No, Psychic is not neutralized. Psychic Ideal Team:Espeon, Girafarig, Lugia, Mewtwo, Mew, Starmie/Slowbro Optio...
Running with Nidoking, Drowzee, Exeggcute, Slowpoke, and Psyduck (I had one hacked one into FireRed), at Lavender Town, quick thoughts: Nidoking is interesting. My impression from Route 3 and Mt. Moon is Nidoran-M takes a tiny bit to get off the ground (mostly because Horn Attack ac...
Axew, Beautifly, Fraxure, Haxorus, Litleo, Luxio, Luxray, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Nidoran F, Nidoran M, Nidorina, Nidorino, Pidove, Pyroar, Shinx, Tranquill, Unfezant RKS System This Pokemon changes its type to match its corresponding held Memory item. This Pokemon is immune to moves and Abil...
If we were speedrunning Blastoise / Nidoking would be S and everything else would be irrelevant, haha. Reactions: PokemonCrusader and Ryota Mitarai Wukong Sep 6, 2021 #28 -GetaX- said: By my own complaints, it would have been D-tier, but that felt too extreme as Sleep+Seed ...
If you have a Pokémon that evolves twice, you should generally avoid evolving it until you've obtained enough candy for both evolutions, not just the first one (that is, for a Nidoran male who needs 25 candies to become a Nidorino who needs 100 candies to become a Nidoking, you'll ...
Ideal Team:Quagsire, Steelix, Golem, Nidoking/Nidoqueen, Piloswine, Gligar Optional:Golem, Onix, Donphan, Sandslash, Rhydon, Marowak, Dugtrio Starter?Nope Covers Weaknesses?Yes Ice Ideal Team:Piloswine, Lapras, Sneasel, Cloyster, Jynx, Articuno ...
Thunder from Nidoking and Nidoqueen is a pain but I got past them with no problems. It was useful against the Elite 4 too like all Water types are. But I'm a bit wary of splitting Poliwag's entries. I wasn't convinced that Yellow Poliwag is strong enough to be boosted to High,...
this is the strongest non-Mega, non-Legendary Steel Pokemon and it has an amazing moveset. The stellar Attack and the good Special Attack give Metagross the potential to dish out such attacks as Earthquake, Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Shadow Ball, and Hammer Arm. Pretty sweet. ...